Følelsesmæssig Intelligens & Kommunikation
Intensivt weekendkursus med Jesper Skovlund 20 - 22 april 2012 info>>
Meditation og Fotografi
At se med et åbent sind
udforskning af forgængelighed gennem billeder
Weekendkursus med Olav Nyhus 3 - 5 maj 2012 info>>
Medical qigong
Biyun health preservation method
Weekendkursus med Göran Jakobsson 2 - 3 juni 2012 info>>
Lær at dø fredeligt
Praktiske anvisninger, der hjælper en selv og andre ved livets afslutning
Weekendretreat med Erik Pema Kunsang 24 - 26 august 2012 info>>
Medfølelsens psykologi
Bevidst nærvær og medfølelse
Weekendkursus med Antonia Sumbundu 2 - 4 november 2012 info>>
Information og tilmelding: www.karunaworkshops.dk
29. februar 2012
Tilmelding er nu åben til Karuna Workshops
27. februar 2012
Rangjung Yeshe Dharma Gruppe - Fyn

inviterer til 2 timers praksis og dharmamøde
med Erik Pema Kunsang
7 april
kl 11.oo - 13.00
Tag din egen siddepude med og frokost/kage.
Send sms om at du deltager til 50497022.
Kærlig hilsen Erik Pema Kunsang.
22. februar 2012
21. februar 2012
Triple Excellence retreat at Gomde Denmark
The retreat will unfold over nine days. Beginning with fundamental mind training described in the First Excellence, we will proceed to the Bodhisattva path of the Great Vehicle. We will train in recognizing the presence and power of loving-kindness and compassion and we will receive instruction on how to let these qualities flourish further.
DharmaSun Team
20. februar 2012
Tsoknyi Rinpoche Seminar at Gomde
A Dzogchen Approach to an Open Heart and Open Mind
October 13 - 19, 2012
In this seminar Tsoknyi Rinpoche will teach us how we can experientially touch the nature of mind through the profound Dzogchen teachings. In this way Rinpoche will explain how to understand and work with the subtle body, ego development and how to find and develop "essence love," which is the hallmark of a truly alive, open and free human being.
This retreat will explore the dynamic interplay of the two truths on and off the cushion as a way to integrate every aspect of our lives; that we are Buddha nature and on the path to its realization.
Registration: www.gomde.dk
18. februar 2012
12. februar 2012
Tenga Rinpoche's health - February 2012

"News from Tenga Rinpoche (Feb. 11, 2012)
Since 13th December Rinpoche has been here in Kathmandu and is recovering very, very slowly. Rinpoche's condition is like this:
The amputations of the left foot and the finger have healed very, very well. Now Rinpoche's health problem is his heart valves, two valves do not open or close very well. As a consequence of this his lungs fill with water which makes it difficult to move and causes him to cough a lot. Rinpoche is also losing his appetite and he has lost a lot of weight and has become quite thin.
On 30th December Rinpoche went to Norvic Hospital, which is one of the best heart hospitals in Nepal. At that time the doctor prescribed a change of medication from what he got in Singapore. Rinpoche returned to Benchen Monastery on 1st January and is still very weak.
The winter-spring course started on 30th January. Rinpoche gave teaching for two days, mornings and afternoons, and on the second day he was completely exhausted, especially because of nausea, and had to rest. The rest of the course was taught by Sangter Tulku and Khenpo Sonam Gyurme and Khenpo Tsundru. On 6th February Rinpoche again visited the doctor at the hospital and was told that his health had not gotten worse and again his medicine was changed. Rinpoche returned to the monastery the same day.
Now Rinpoche's appetite improved a little and he is sleeping better and feels a little more fresh, although he is still quite weak. Now Rinpoche is unable to attend the Bodhgaya monlam and would like to recover in Kathmandu.
That's all for now.
Namaste, from Tempa"
11. februar 2012
Syv dages meditationsretreat på Gomde
”Når man efter et par dage er begyndt at blive uforstyrret, så er tiden inde til at afdække den naturlige hjertevarme, at udforske hvad det er som tænker og hvad bevidsthed er.”
--- Erik Pema Kunsang

Uddyb din meditationspraksis i et intensivt ugelangt retreat med nænsom tilstedeværelse og indsigtstræning. Samtidig får du mulighed for at nyde høje himle, Danmarks smukkeste natur og Gomdes æbleplantager.
Retreat’et ledes af Erik Pema Kunsang, som har et langt livs erfaring som meditationslærer og som oversætter og assistent for nogle af vor tids største lærere indenfor den tibetansk-buddhistiske Dzogchen-tradition.
Hver dag består af perioder med meditation, undervisning, og tid til kontemplative gåture på smukke Helgenæs. Ugen foregår i tavshed uden mobil eller internet.
Der er mulighed for at modtage individuel vejledning i meditation og praksisplan.
Undervisningen tilpasses den enkelte, gennem ligevægt, klarhed og naturlig tilstedeværelse (shamatha, vipashyana og deres uadskillelighed).
Derfor kan retreat’et følges med udbytte af både nye og erfarne praktiserende.
Undervisningen foregår på dansk. Se mere om Gomde på gomde.dk
Tilmelding: klik her
Spørgsmål: programs@gomde.dk
Karuna Workshops Benefit Year 2012 at Gomde

Kære alle,
Som I nok allerede ved, er Gomde i en situation i år, hvor der er behov for en ekstra indsats for at få en god økonomi og sikre Gomde og Strandgaarden.
Derfor har vi besluttet at gøre noget ekstra ved at udnævne 2012 til støtteår og under kampagnen ”Karuna Workshops Benefit Year 2012 at Gomde” tilbyde en række workshops, hvor alle donerer deres tid og al overskud går til Gomde.
Fem spændende og unikke undervisere har tilbudt at afholde kurser på Gomde og donere deres tid og evner. Programmet er som følger:
1. Følelsesmæssig intelligens og kommunikation, Jesper Skovlund, 20. -22. april, 2012.
2. Fotografi og meditation: At se med et åbent sind – udforskning af forgængelighed gennem billeder, Olav Nyhus, 4.-6. maj, 2012.
3. Medical qigong: “Biyun health preservation method”, Göran Jakobsen, 2. -3. juni, 2012.
4. Lær at dø fredeligt – praktiske anvisninger, der hjælper en selv og andre ved livets afslutning, Erik Pema Kunsang, 24.- 26. august, 2012.
5. Medfølelsens psykolog: Bevist nærvær og medfølelse, Antonia Sumbundu, 2.-4. november, 2012.
Der er kursusbeskrivelser for disse workshops på http://www.karunaworkshops.dk/ og en samlet poster >>her<<.
For at disse kurser kan gennemføres er der dog brug for frivillige hjælpere (i alt minimum 15 personer, dvs. tre personer pr. workshop) til at hjælpe med det praktiske omkring kurserne. Til hver workshop er der brug for 1 administrator, 1 kok, og 1 praktisk hjælper. Som frivillig kan du deltage gratis i kurserne, så meget som arbejdet ellers tillader det. Du bor og spiser naturligvis også gratis.
Kurserne kan kun afhol
Skriv til os inden den 17. februar.
Vi håber at høre fra dig!
6. februar 2012
Padmasambhavas Direkte Vej
Tre weekend retreats med dybtgående træningsforløb.
med Erik Pema Kunsang
May 17-20, August 17-19, og November 23-25, 2012
Undervisningen er på dansk.
Mere information og tilmelding
4. februar 2012
Sunny News from Gomde England
One of our main practical goals at Gomde, Lindholme Hall is to produce energy equivalent to our needs. As many of you will be aware from his many teachings, Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche is highly supportive of the efforts of all his students to positively contribute to the environment and reduce, as much as possible, any negative impact.
Gomde has significant and increasing running costs. Amongst its biggest current expenses are heat and electricity. Micro Generating Systems (MGS) generate electricity from renewable sources and the electricity produced is either used by the owner/generator themselves or is exported to the national grid.
In 2011 the government operated a grant scheme with guaranteed payments to MGS´s for 25 years for each KW of electricity generated, whether used or exported to the grid. Following thorough research, the estimated savings on electricity bills and government subsidy payments were calculated to be between £3,500- £4000 per year. In the course of the 25 year agreement the benefit to Gomde is calculated as approximately £125,000; combined energy
saving and government subsidy.
With this in mind, and with Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche´s kind permission and encouragement, we
contracted to install a 9.2 KW peak, photo- electric array on the south facing roof of the
meditation hall (44 panels in all) with a cost to Gomde of £20,900. It is now installed.
2. februar 2012
Ønske om buddhistisk center på Helgenæs
Hej venner,
I er velkomne til at give jeres besyv med nederst på siden.