21. juni 1997

Early group of Gomde Sangha

Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, Teaching Schedule ‘97

Three Yanas Retreat: July 21-27. Open for everyone. Co-teacher: Tsok-Nyi Rinpoche.

Vajrayana Retreat: July 28th - August 3rd. For serious Vajrayana students.

Who has the story behind this picture?

27. marts 1997

Ven. Tenga Rinpoche comes to Gomde Denmark


May 20, 1997

Dear Venerable Tenga Rinpoche,

Again this year we hereby extend our cordial invitation for you to visit Rangjung Yeshe Gomdé in Denmark. We remember your last visit with fondness and wish that during your next journey through Europe you will be able to set aside a couple of day more on you busy schedule.

We would like to request you to give detailed teachings on Sangtik Purpa and Sangtik Dorsem.

It goes without saying that we, on behalf of Rangjung Yeshe Foundation, will cover the transport costs for you and your entourage and all necessary expenses incurred during your visit.

Any and all of your students will also be cordially welcome, and we shall do our best to provide the best possible hospitality.

Mads Julius Nielsen Erik Hein Schmidt

Rangjung Yeshe Fonden

Board members

Rangjung Yeshe Gomdé


Smedehalden 3, Esby

DK-8420 Knebel


24. februar 1997

Message from Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, 1997

“Dear David, Tom, Lisbeth, Rene, Michael, Klaus, Morten, Mads, Birthe and everyone else who worked on Gomde lately. I am very happy with the new building. It is amazing what you could do in such a short time!

I think you realize the importance of this. Gomde is our first place in the West and helping in providing places for retreat/practice has a long-lasting impact. For yourself it lays the seed or foundation that you will always, in this and in future lives, have the circumstances for being able to practice. That is how karma works -- it is the continuation of one’s deeds. One doesn’t have to look somewhere else for what karma is. But the benefit doesn’t stop there; it is also a place where others will practice.

So, I would like to thank all of you from the buttom of my heart.”