30. december 2011
Ny Dharma Gruppe på Fyn
Vi har en ny Dharma Gruppe i Danmark og den hedder Rangjung Yeshe Dharma Gruppe Fyn.
Vi mødes første gang lørdag den 7 januar fra 11 til 13 hos Erik.
Derefter sker det hver første lørdag i måneden.
Vi sidder, chanter og Erik svarer på spørgsmål.
Send sms om at du deltager til 50497022.
Kærlig hilsen Erik Pema Kunsang
15. december 2011
The new Rangjung Yeshe Chant Book
Click here to download the Rangjung Yeshe Chant Book
You can download the new edition of our chantbook. Many of the chants have been re-translated for the purpose of being able to chant them in either Tibetan or English.
I include a precious photo signed by the 16th Karmapa, one of the master very close to Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and all his sons.
14. december 2011
12. december 2011
17. november 2011
News From Gomde
Today is the sacred day when we celebrate the return of Buddha Shakyamuni from the Divine realms. He returned to this world after liberating his mother who had been reborn among the gods. In the Buddhist calendar this is one of the four biggest celebrations of the year.
At the monastery in Nepal the monks, nuns, and Lamas all celebrate the day with intensive meditation and prayer. On behalf of all of them, Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche just called to send his love and blessings to the worldwide Sangha. Rinpoche asked us to let you know that you are all in his heart and prayers.
As today is a special day, we would like to give a brief update on some important developments.
Winter Seminar
We are excited that Rinpoche will soon be here in Denmark to teach on the nature of mind. Preparations for the seminar are well underway and currently more than ninety people have signed up. There are still a few more spaces before we reach our limit of 108 participants. So do make sure to make your booking soon if you plan to attend.
Seminars 2012
In the coming year lots of seminars will take place at Gomde. Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche (early July), Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche (TBA) Khandro Rinpoche (TBA), Tsoknyi Rinpoche (Oct. 15-21), Phakchok Rinpoche (Oct. 22-27), and Lama Tenzin (Mar. 31–Apr. 9) will all visit Gomde in 2012 and share their wisdom with us.
Our resident dharma teacher, Erik Pema Kunsang, will continue his guided retreats and dharma seminars throughout the year, presenting the Dharma in his characteristic straightforward, humorous and insightful style. We look forward to a year ful
l of exciting opportunities at Gomde. Further details will soon be available at our website.
Future plans
This month an application was sent to the local government requesting formal recognition of Gomde as a Buddhist retreat center. If approved, our Sangha will be able to improve and expand the existing facilities at Gomde and open our doors to the public as the first officially recognized Buddhist retreat center in this region. At the same time, the Rangjung Yeshe Association in Denmark has just applied to the government for official recognition as a religious community. We hope to have these applications approved by the fall 2012. Please support this process with lots of good wishes!
As many of you know, since 2002 Gomde has owned the neighboring farm, Strandgaarden - an idyllic, waterfront property right next to the original retreat land. This summer Rinpoche shared his vision of this unique place as a Sangha holiday resort and conference center. Since August we have been busy renovating Strandgaarden to fulfill Rinpoche's vision and this December the place will be ready for everyone to enjoy.
Our community
Gomde is for everyone and belongs to everyone. The more we are, the more we can achieve. If you would like to be involved, to help ensure that the Dharma is kept alive right now and in the future, please join us. If you have a skill, an idea, or a vision for the Dharma that you would like to share, visit us at Facebook, send us a mail, or drop by to chat.
With best wishes,
Everyone at Rangjung Yeshe Gomde
25. oktober 2011
A Buddha is coming soon to a place near you.
Jack: Our clan have an ethically correct furcoat, and we live on nothing but pure vegan nontoxic hazelnuts. What else can there be to life?
Buddha: Head towards Gomde retreat center in Denmark as fast as your bushy tail allows. Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche is coming there in December to help all sentient beings. And that includes you!
22. oktober 2011
Århus praksisgruppen: GURU YOGA - realistisk tilgang m. Erik Pema Kunsang
Hvad er guru yoga? Hvorfor gør vi det? Hvad betyder det?
Hvordan gør vi det i praksis?
Guru yoga nævnes i en af de allerførste Dzogchen dakini tantraer, 'Brilliant Expanse', og er en metode til at frembringe den opvågnede tilstand direkte i et almindeligt menneske. Oplevelse og realisering samt roden til alle opnåelser inden for Vajrayana, er alene afhængig af velsignelserne fra guruen.
Erik Pema Kunsang er elev af Dzogchen mesteren Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche. Han har en naturlig enkel facon, som guider deltagerne legende gennem begreber og fastlåste holdninger på en måde, der inviterer til personlig refleksion og afklaring.
‘When we trust sincerely and open up in pure perception and faith, it is a very clean state of mind, very, very pure. This is especially true if the feeling is so intense that the hairs of one’s body stand on end and tears are in one’s eyes. At that moment, one is very close to recognizing the naked state of mind; the innate nature is almost laid bare. That is the power of devotion and pure perception.’ - Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche -
Øsal Lings tempelrum
Fredensgade 39, stuen i baghuset
Aarhus C
Entré: 80 kr
ALLE er velkomne.
Kærlig hilsen Århus praksisgruppen
20. oktober 2011
Fællesspisning i København - den. 2 november
Kære alle,
En lille hilsen fra Gomdes praksisgruppe i København.
Vi har fællesspisning onsdag den 2. november, inden vi mediterer. Det er en lille markering af, at nu har vi fået startet godt op efter sommerens pause. Alle, der har lyst til at spise med, er velkomne :-)
Hvor og hvornår: 18.30 i køkkenet på Grundtvigs Sidevej 4, 1865 Frederiksberg C.
Vi har først lokalet fra det tidspunkt, hvorfor vi ikke kan forvente at kunne komme ind ret længe før.
Tag selv noget mad med eller bestil gennem mig på tlf: 5059 1787 eller på email: privateakr@togamix.dk. Vi arrangerer hentning af take away fra Bindia http://www.bindia.dk/Catalog-Menu_39.aspx
Varme hilsener fra gruppen, ved Metea.
12. oktober 2011
Student Discount
9. oktober 2011
Rooms during the Winter Retreat
2. oktober 2011
Announcing www.rangjungyeshe.dk
Registration is now open for the winter seminar
Online registration is now open for the winter seminar, 'Discovering the Buddha Within', at Gomde Denmark with Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche.
The dates for the seminar are Dec. 27, 2011 - Jan. 1, 2012. We have a limited number of rooms available, which will be provided on a first come first serve basis.
For registration, please visit: www.gomde.dk
In this seminar, Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche will be giving teachings and meditation instruction on a series of short, yet very profound guidance texts that point out the nature of mind. The authors of these texts are three of the most well-known masters of Tibetan Buddhism: Milarepa, Gampopa, and Karmapa Rangjung Dorje.
We hope that you will be able to join us to celebrate the fortune of having a true wisdom master in our midst.
Warm regards,
The Gomde Seminar Team
25. september 2011
Winter Retreat with Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche
We are extremely happy to announce a special new year retreat with Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche at Rangjung Yeshe Gomde Denmark from December 27, 2011 to January 1, 2012.
Rinpoche has very kindly agreed to spend his precious time with us during this holiday to lead an open retreat under the title "Discovering the Buddha Within".
This is a perfect way to celebrate the past year and welcome the new in the most meaningful manner possible. On New Year's eve we will have a grand celebration with Rinpoche and we hope that all of you will join us to celebrate the fortune of having a true wisdom master in our midst.
More details regarding the retreat will be available shortly at www.gomde.dk
Many greetings,
The Gomde Seminar Team
14. september 2011
Samadhi undervisning på Gomde
“Yngling, de bodhisattva mahasattvaer, der er upartiske, altruistiske, ikke-aggressive, og fri for fordomme, vil opnå den samadhi, der fuldt ud afklarer alle tings lighedsnatur.”
-- Buddha Shakyamuni
31. august 2011
Invitation til Rangjung Yeshe Gomde’s praksisgruppe
onsdag d. 7. september kl. 18.30
Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche anbefaler varmt sine elever at mødes og praktisere sammen.
Erfaringen i gruppen er, at det inspirerer og styrker egen praksis i hverdagen.
Praksisgruppen mødes fast onsdage kl. 18.30 - 20.30 fra 7. september til 31. maj.
Nogle vælger at komme hver gang, andre kommer når det passer. Både begyndere og erfarne praktiserende er velkomne. Vi glæder os til at praktisere sammen med alle, der har modtaget belæringer på Gomde gennem årene.
Tilmeld dig / kontakt for information: 33 79 49 70 eller gita@gomde.dk
På gruppens vegne
Gita Nielsen
28. august 2011
Dharma-weekends på Gomde i september: eftersommer med klarhed og indsigt
Her er en unik mulighed for at gå i dybden med en lærer, der har stor indsigt og erfaring i visdoms- og meditationstraditioner (vajrayana, dzogchen) fra den tibetanske buddhisme. Undervisningen foregår på dansk og kan følges med stort udbytte uanset om man er begynder eller har års erfaring.
Hver weekend, lørdag og søndag, underviser Erik i 2 forskellige emner, så i alt vil der være 8 dage med undervisning, som er åben for alle. Erik vil undervise på sin sædvanlige humoristiske, ligefremme og indsigtsfulde måde i en række emner, som man kan læse nærmere om i programmet (http://www.wix.com/karmeshvari/eriks-program). Centralt i Eriks undervisning er altid råd og inspiration til hvordan vi kan opnå klarhed og medfølende indsigt til at berige vores daglige liv.
Gomde ønsker at mange får glæde af denne række af sensommer-weekend-retreats, og tilbyder derfor nu særlige priser i løbet af september måned. Priserne, som omfatter undervisning, frokost, og kaffe/te, er:
- 1 dag: 400 kr..
- 4 dage: 1.200 kr.
- 8 dage: 1.900 kr.
Hvis du er studerende og har et gyldigt studiekort, får du 50% rabat på alle priser.
Hvis du har lyst til at tilbringe natten på Gomde i et af vore hyggelige retreatværelser, enten før eller efter undervisningen, tilbyder vi en rabatpris på 200 kr. pr. nat i september.
Du kan tilmelde dig på www.gomde.dk eller ved at skrive til os på gomde@gomde.dk
Hvis du har lyst til at hjælpe til på Gomde med praktiske opgaver, såsom at male, kan du også bo gratis på Gomde i løbet af september og deltage i Eriks undervisning uden omkostninger. Vi tilbyder gratis kost, logi og undervisning. Til gengæld hjælper du til i seks timer hver dag. Hvis du er interesseret i denne mulighed, så send os en e-mail på gomde@gomde.dk
Vi glæder os til at se dig!
Gomde Seminar Team
22. august 2011
Garchen Rinpoche would like to come to Gomde Denmark
In August 18-21, 2011, Garchen Rinpoche visited Stockholm, invited by the Swedish Drikung Meditation Center.
When Rinpoche visited Sweden three years ago, we invited him to Rangjung Yeshe Gomde Denmark, but then the time didn't seem to be right, and Rinpoche didn't come in person. Although we have a bag of grains at Gomde blessed by Rinpoche to be spread out on the land of Gomde.
This summer Rangjung Yeshe Sangha Sweden was asked by Erik to again request Garchen Rinpoche to come an turn the wheel of dharma at Gomde in Denmark.
A small delegation consisting of Lama Olav, Maie, Lionel, Stig, Kenan and Peter was granted an audience with Rinpoche and asked him to come.
Rinpoche mentioned his good connection and pure samaya with Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche and that he has not yet visited Denmark. He said that he would very much like to come. His schedule being quite full, as many lamas', he doesn't control his schedule in detail. But he said that we should invite him via the Garchen Institute in Germany, and that usually they manage to accomodate visits to the countries that Rinpoche has accepted invitations to.
With Rangjung Yeshe Gomde Denmarks schedule for 2012 being quite full with many lama visits - it is probably more suitable with a visit in 2013.
If there is anyone in the sangha who has a close connection with Garchen Rinpoche and would like to help out by organizing the visit, please get in touch (peter.olin@gmail.com).
Photo: Olav Nyhus
3. august 2011
Dharmachakra Festival - August 3
Here is a short excerpt from his first teaching, taken from his life story, The Lalitavistara:
"Monks, there are four truths of the noble ones. These four truths are those of suffering, the origin of suffering, the cessation of suffering and the path that leads to the cessation of suffering. Suffering refers to the pain that accompanies birth, aging, falling sick and dying. It also includes the suffering of meeting the unpleasant and parting from the pleasant. Not finding what is being sought is also suffering. The origin of suffering is the craving that causes rebirth. It is accompanied by passion for enjoyment and searches for pleasures here and there. The cessation of suffering is the complete and dispassionate cessation of the craving that causes rebirth and the passion for enjoyment and pleasures. The path that leads to the cessation of suffering is the eight-fold path of the noble ones. This is the path that starts with correct view and ends with correct concentration. Monks, these are the four truths of the noble ones."
- Submitted by Andreas
1. august 2011
A Precious Gomde Summercamp 2011
Frokost på Gomde - d. 7 august, kl 12.00
Kære venner,
Rangjung Yeshe Gomde har hermed fornøjelsen at invitere til frokost og fællesmeditation på Gomde, nu på søndag, d. 7. august, kl 12.00.
Alle er velkomne og hovedformålet er ganske simpelt at mødes og tilbringe tid i hinandens selskab. De af jer, der gerne vil deltage i fællesmeditation efter frokost, er meget velkomne, men hvis I foretrækker at tilbringe jeres eftermiddag udendørs i de smukke omgivelser, er det også helt fint.
Hvis du/I kan komme, skal I blot sende os en e-mail (gomde@gomde.dk) og sige hvor mange I kommer. Skriv helst inden lørdag aften, så vi kan planlægge maden. Gomde giver frokosten, men I er meget velkomne til at tage lidt sødt med til kaffen.
Vi glæder os til at se jer!
Kærlig hilsen,
Rangjung Yeshe Gomde
Gomde Update
(For English, please see further below)
Kære venner,
Vi håber, at I alle har det godt og nyder sommeren. Først og fremmest vil vi gerne takke jer for den dejlige tid, som vi havde sammen på Gomde nu i sommers under Chökyi Nyima Rinpoches besøg. Det var virkelig inspirerende at modtage Rinpoches fortrinlige undervisning i så dejligt selskab.
Som mange af jer ved, har Erik og Tara længe haft et ønske om at tilbringe mere tid i retreat, sådan som vores lærere altid opfordrer os til. Og nu er muligheden for at de kan gennemføre en længere periode med intensiv praksis endelig opstået. Fremover vil de derfor ikke længere stå for de mange praktiske og administrative opgaver på Gomde, men i stedet bruge deres tid på praksis.
I løbet af de sidste tre år har Erik og Tara arbejdet meget hårdt til gavn for vores sangha, og vi er alle meget taknemmelige for den omsorg, de har vist os. Vi glæder os over deres ønske om at praktisere mere og især i det faktum, at Erik vil fortsætte med at dele hans undervisning med os, selv mens han er i retreat. Erik har indvilliget i at undervise i en række retreats på Gomde i de kommende år. Det første af disse kurser finder sted den 3-4 september og det ser vi meget frem til.
For at passe de mange ansvarsområder, som Erik og Tara har varetaget de sidste tre år, er Foreningen Rangjung Yeshe Sangha og Rangjung Yeshe Fonden enige om at arbejde tæt sammen fremover for at videreudvikle Gomde og arrangere flere kurser med vores lærere. Sammen vil vi gøre vores bedste for at Gomde fortsat udvikles på en måde, der passer til alle jeres ønsker og visioner.
Endelig er vi meget glade for at kunne annoncere, at vi har en ny caretaker på Gomde, Knud Wienand. Knud er for nylig flyttet ind på Gomde og vil fremover byde velkommen til besøgende og retreat gæster på Gomde. Vi er meget glade for, at Knud har påtaget sig denne vigtige opgave, og vi håber, at I alle vil støtte ham i hans nye rolle.
Vi ser frem til at mødes igen på Gomde snart.
Med mange hilsener,
Kaj Hansen og Andreas Doctor
For Foreningen og Fonden
Dear friends,
We hope that you are all doing well and enjoying the summer. First of all we like to thank you for the wonderful time we had together at Gomde this summer during Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche's visit. It was truly inspiring to receive Rinpoche's profound teaching together with such a harmonious and warmhearted community.
As many of you know, Erik and Tara have long had aspirations to spend more time in retreat, the way our teachers always encourage us to, and now the possibility is finally there for them to begin a longer period of practice. In the coming time, they will therefore no longer be involved in the many practical and organizational tasks involved in running Gomde.
Over the last three years Erik and Tara have worked very hard to serve our sangha and we are all very grateful for the care they have shown our community. We rejoice in their commitment to practice and especially in the fact that Erik will continue to share his teachings with us while he is in retreat. Erik has very kindly agreed to teach a number of retreats to our sangha at Gomde in the coming years. The first of these retreats takes place on September 3-4 and we look very much forward to that.
To continue with the many important responsibilities that Erik and Tara have fulfilled over the last three years, Foreningen Rangjung Yeshe Sangha and Rangjung Yeshe Fonden are committed to working together on the task of further developing Gomde and arranging seminars with our precious teachers in the future.
Lastly, we are also very pleased to announce that we have a new caretaker at Gomde, Knud Wienand, who has recently moved in to take care of the place and welcome all visitors and retreatants at Gomde. We are very happy that Knud has taken on this important job and we hope that you will all assist him as he settles in at Gomde.
We look forward to seeing you all soon at Gomde.
With many greetings,
Kaj Hansen og Andreas Doctor
For the Sangha Association and Rangjung Yeshe Foundation
29. juli 2011
Retreats med Erik Pema Kunsang
20. juli 2011
Gomde Summercamp 2011
Gomde Summercamp 2011, a set on Flickr.
Here are some of my pics from the Cloudless Summer Camp of 2011 at Rangjung Yeshe Gomde Denmark.
The year of the Swedes. :-)
/Peter Olin