30. november 2009
Karl Lewkovitch
A beautiful video in memory of Karl Lewkovitch, the gifted flute musician, who past away June 2009.
Karl was a Buddhist since the 70's and in his last years he enjoyed coming to Gomde.
Video by DaWndy Chi
29. november 2009
Gomde 10 years anniversary
A sweet memory video of Rinpoche's arrival to Gomde 2005 to the 10 years anniversary and to a brand new temple hall.
Rinpoche is dedicating all the merit on behalf of everyone involved in the building, involved with the good wishes and involved in sponsorships.
The video is recorded by Gomde's neighbor Jørgen Thorsen.
"Prins Siddharta - Historien om Buddha"

Forlaget Dharma Visdom hører under CVM. Formålet med forlaget er at gøre Buddhas lære tilgængelig på dansk ved at oversætte og udgive Dharma bøger og andre spirituelle bøger. Forlaget Dharma Visdom har blandt andet udgivet "Prins Siddharta - Historien om Buddha".
En lille klog bog om livets store spørgsmål.
"Prins Siddharta - Historien om Buddha" er en børnebog, der giver et positivt bud på hvordan, man skaber et bedre liv for sig selv og andre.
I et letlæseligt sprog og med flotte illustrationer fortælles historien om Buddhas liv - fra han blev født som kongesøn, til han som ung forlod sit beskyttede liv i paladset og opdagede, at livet for almindelige mennesker byder på problemer, sygdom og død. På baggrund af de oplevelser udvikler Buddha metoder til hvordan, man lever et harmonisk og godt liv uafhængigt af ydre omstændigheder. Gennem at følge Buddhas udvikling får læseren inspiration til, hvordan man kan handle på en måde, der skaber glæde for sig selv og andre.
"Prins Siddharta - Historien om Buddha" er et smukt eventyr, en god historie og dyb livsvisdom skrevet på dagligdags sprog. Den er en oplagt gave til børn i alle aldre. Bogen kan købes i centret. Du kan læse mere på centrets hjemmeside.
I året 2007 udgav forlaget en fantastisk dejlig bog, både for børn og voksne: "Prins Siddhartha" skrevet af Jonathan Landaw og tegnet af Janet Brooke.
Bogen er oversat til dansk af Rasmus Hougaard.
Pris: 125,- kr.
27. november 2009
Rangjung Yeshe Gomde Meditationsgruppe Århus

Vi har en ny meditationsgruppe i Århus som mødes jævnligt. Hvis du kigger på Facebook er siden her:
Rangjung Yeshe Gomde Meditationsgruppe Århus
22. november 2009
The Return of Tulku Urgyen Yangsi Rinpoche

We are delighted to report that at 3:45pm, Saturday, November 21, 2009, Tulku Urgyen Yangsi Rinpoche arrived at Kathmandu’s Tribuvan Airport aboard an Indian Airlines flight direct from Delhi. Accompanied by his parents, Neten Chokling Rinpoche and Khandro Tendzin Chöyang Gyari, Yangsi Rinpoche was escorted to Nepal by Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Namdol Gyatso Lama and two attendants. So much joy and excitement was in the air! The afternoon was very reminiscent of Yangsi Rinpoche’s arrival at Tribuvan Airport in November 2008 when he landed in Nepal for the first time for the special occasion of his formal enthronement at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery.
At the airport, more than 30 lamas, nuns and laypeople made up the joyful welcoming party — including Tsikey Chokling Rinpoche and Phakchok Rinpoche, with their respective wives and families, as well as Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche. Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s wife and his mother were also present, as was Tenpa Yarphel and Tenpa’s son, Tashi. Ani Maya, head nun at Nagi Gompa and Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche’s close personal attendant for several decades, was also present to welcome Yangsi Rinpoche.
Just as he had done at the airport one year ago, Yangsi Rinpoche serenely and graciously accepted a kata (white scarf) from each person who had come to greet him. Smiling, he touched his forehead to theirs. Seeing this special child, a Nepali passerby in the crowd immediately stopped and bowed before him; Yangsi quickly responded by warmly touching his forehead to this fellow’s forehead, too.
More details on www.shedrub.org
and video
19. november 2009
Remarks from Phakchok Rinpoche's visit
would like to thank you for hosting me at Gomde and providing an opportunity to listen to PR's teachings.
I enjoyed very much both teaching and the atmosphere of the seminar. I wish all of upcoming seminars and retreats at Gomde will be fruitful and successful for everybody.
Phakchok Rinpoche told me that you plan to record a CD with audio of the seminar. I'd appreciate if you can share it, since Rinpoche advised that his students in Israel may listen to it.
If this will not be financial issue, please publish it on Web.
stay in touch,
18. november 2009
Phakchok Rinpoche - Pictures
Please help Gomde and our Sangha by sharing your pictures of the event.
Get in touch with Christian or ask Erik to become a contributor to the blog.
Due to an inexperienced photographer without his flash, quite a bit of post-processing was necessary - it did leave the pictures less-than-perfect.
This means your flashy contributions will be more than welcome!
About Facebook
If you want to share the pictures on Facebook, you're more than welcome. But please, do not upload them to Facebook - their terms of service regarding user-created content are horrible.
Instead of uploading the pictures, link to them on Flickr using this URL:
If you want to link to a single picture, open that picture from the thumbnail overview, right click it and select "Copy image location" or "Copy image address" and paste this to your Facebook post.
17. november 2009
Possibility of Khenpo visits from Nepal
Dear Dharma Friends,
On behalf of Rangjung Yeshe Institute, I send you many greetings in the hope that all your dharma activities are unfolding auspiciously and harmoniously. Here in Nepal we are inspired to learn from Rinpoche of the remarkable growth in the international Sangha and, in particular, the many study groups and retreat centers recently established.
As you may know, earlier this year RYI launched its first on-line learning programme designed to help students from around the world study the dharma with Ka Nying Shedrub Ling’s resident Khenpos and other teachers. An additional benefit of this programme is its potential to help bring the various study centres and monastery closer together.
In order to further this particular goal RYI is delighted to announce a new initiative to sponsor the international travel costs of the monastery’s two main Khenpos - Jampa Donden and Sherab Dorje – and so enable them to teach at affiliated Dharma centers and study groups. Under this scheme the only expenses each center would need to cover would be for local transportation, food, accommodation and donations to the Khenpo plus any translator related costs. Please note that the preferred timing for these visits each year will be from early December to the middle of January.
For this coming winter Khenpo Jampa Donden will travel to centres in Europe while, in 2010, both Jampa Donden and Sherab Dorje will be available to travel to Europe and the Americas respectively.
At this point, I would particularly appreciate learning whether your centre would like to host one of the Khenpos in the year ahead. More immediately, for centers and groups in Europe, please note that Khenpo Jampa Donden will be teaching in Austria from December 28, 2009 until January 6, 2010 but will otherwise be available to teach at other centres between December 11 – 26th and between 7th – 9th January.
Please do let me know by 30th November if you would like to take advantage of Khenpo Jampa’s visit this coming winter.
Look forward to hearing from you in due course.
Yours in the Dharma,
Greg (Whiteside) / Greg Whiteside
For all at RYI
10. november 2009
Plakat for Phakchok Rinpoches undervisning i november

Plakat om Phakchok Rinpoches undervisning på Gomde
Vær sød at sætte den op eller sende den videre.
Hjerte Sutra & Lotus Tantra
Weekend seminar 14 - 15 november 2009
Gennem enkel meditation på vejen til frihed afvikles illusioner
så vi kan leve i verden som ægte og ubesværede mennesker
— Oplev en humørfyldt mester i tidløs virkelighed —
Donation for undervisning 500 kr
Værelse 400 kr. Sovesal 200 kr. Fri camping.
Økologisk vegetarisk mad 200 kr
Tilmelding: programs@gomde.dk
Rangjung Yeshe Gomde
Smedehalden 3, Esby. Tel 86356835
8420 Knebel Danmark
2. november 2009
Swedish sisters and brothers also on-line
We've added a Google Translate link in the navigation area in case any of our foreign friends want to get a clue what's written there.
For the fun of if, check out what Google thinks we say in Danish, or if you want more fun, here's a Russian version, and going from right to left in Hebrew.
Phakchok Rinpoche at Gomde: info to participants

A reunion with Phakchok Rinpoche at Gomde November 14-15, 2009.
Dear friends.
Last year when Phakchok Rinpoche visited Gomde he taught the Heart Sutra, during which he linked direct meditation experience with the text.
He also explained the wonderful and deep Lotus Essence Tantra.
This year we will have a further deepening of the Buddha's instructions in sutra and tantra.
We have asked Rinpoche that he again uses these two very concise and short texts as a basis. But he has free hands and you who have have met him know how he can bring in all contemporary issues and examples in order to make his teachings both lively and fun.
At Gomde we are making ready for Rinpoche and for all you participants. It is practical and convenient for us to buy food in good time so there is enough of the exciting eco-vegetarian dishes for all of you.
So sign up already now on programs@gomde.dk
We've made it extra cheap for you to participate.
Reckon with a total for both days of 700 DKK: 500 DKK in donations for teachings to Rinpoche plus 200 DKK to Gomde which includes all meals.
Lodge costs extra 200 DKK for dormitory or 400 DKK for bed in a room, for the whole weekend.
Rinpoche arrives at Gomde 20.30 Friday evening and will be welcomed with tea in the temple.
You are welcome to be there to receive him.
Teachings start Saturday 10:00, and continue again 16.00 until dinner.
Sunday he begins 10:00 and concludes 18:00.
So there is time for both a nice dinner with Rinpoche and enough time for you to catch the last bus from Gomde to Ronde.
Be nice and pay in advance to Gomde bank account:
Vestergade 33, 5100 Odense C
Reg No. 6845 Account No. 0000236382
If not, then bring cash.
Remember warm clothes, outdoor shoes for a walk, easy shoes to use between the temple and the dining hall and slippers, if you like.
Love Tara and Erik,
your hosts at Gomde.
1. november 2009
Lydoptagelser med Phakchok Rinpoche fra sidste år
Flere har spurgt til de lydoptagelser vi lavede under Phakchok Rinpoche's seminar om Lotus-Sutraen sidste efterår. Hele dette sæt af optagelser med Rinpoche's undervisning og Eriks danske oversættelse findes som mp3-filer som kan downloades til afspilning på pc eller mp3-player. Hvis du gerne vil have materialet at lytte til, foreslår jeg at du først sender en donation på f.eks. 100 kr til Gomde (samme konto som registrering til seminaret) og dernæst sender mig en email (nv@nielsviggo.net) om at du gerne vil downloade filerne. Jeg vil så sende et link til en webside hvor du kan downloade dem.
Hjertelige hilsner,
Niels Viggo.