30. januar 2013

Gomdes lokalplansansøgning december 2012

Så er Gomdes lokalplansansøgning om at etablere et Buddhistisk refugium på Tornbjerggaard kommet i forudgående offentlig høring:

Buddhistisk Refugium ved Esby på Helgenæs

Indkaldelse af ideer og forslag til en forestående planlægning - planlovens § 23c
Kommende Forslag til Kommuneplantillæg nr. 29 og Forslag til Lokalplan nr. 368.

Udvalget for Plan, Udvikling og Kultur har den 1. februar 2012 besluttet, at igangsætte kommune- og lokalplanlægning der kan gøre det muligt, at opføre flere bygninger og udvide de eksisterende aktiviteter på Tornbjerggård, der er en mindre landbrugsejendom, som ligger på Smedehalden 3, lidt nord for Esby på Helgenæs.

Tornbjerggaard Nybyggeri

Tornbjerggård har i en længere årrække været anvendt til forskellige kursus- og konferenceformål i forbindelse med ejendommens indretning til buddhistisk refugium.

Det planlægges nu, at den kommende kommune- og lokalplanlægning kan give mulighed for nyt byggeri til undervisnings-, kursus- og konferenceformål, med op til 3 helårslejligheder, 70 sengepladser, 10 hytter og 40 teltpladser. De nye bygninger tænkes opført i tilknytning til ejendommens tidligere stuehus, som traditionelle længer på de eksisterende bygninger. De 3 helårslejligheder skal anvendes til personer, der har tilknytning til ejendommens daglige drift som undervisnings-, kursus- og konferencested.

Foruden en eksisterende maskinhal på 270 m², og et 140 m² stort maskinhus (der tænkes nedrevet), er der idag ialt 1.100 m² eksisterende bygninger med ialt 25 sengepladser på Smedehalden 3, der i en årrække har været anvendt til buddhistisk refugium.

Tornbjerggaard Tempel

Med den kommende planlægning tænkes det, at give mulighed for at opføre yderligere op til maks. 2.000 m² bygninger på adressen, samt op til maks. 10 hytter á op til 35 m² hver og en 50 m² stor toiletbygning i en tidl. æbleplantage nord for adressen, der også tænkes indrettet med op til maks. 40 teltpladser.

Det planlægges, at den overodnede ramme for byggeri på Tornbjerggård bliver sat til maks. 3.500 m² etageareal i alt, i det kommende kommuneplantillæg.

Tornbjerggaard på Helgenæs
Du kan læse mere om de ansøgte ændringer i et pdf-dokument fra MG Arkitekter nederst på denne side.

Forholdet til den eksisterende planlægning
Tornbjerggård ligger uden for kommuneplanens gældende rammer, og derfor skal der udarbejdes et tillæg til kommuneplanen i forbindelse med, at der udarbejdes en lokalplan for en del af ejendommen.

Forudgående offentlig høring og kommuneplantillæg
Det er kommunens vurdering, at den kommende planlægning medfører, at der skal afholdes en forudgående offentlig høring efter planlovens § 23 c, hvor der indkaldes ideer og forslag forud for udarbejdelse af forslaget til kommuneplantillæg og lokalplan.

Baggrunden for denne vudering er, at der ifølge planlovens § 23 c skal gennemføres en forudgående offentlig høring, inden der igangsættes en større ændringer i kommuneplanens ramme-bestemmelser og, når ”projektet” ikke tidligere har indgået i kommunens planstrategi.

Ideer og forslag

Hvis du har alternative ideer og forslag til placering, adgangsforhold, udformning eller andet, der vedrører den kommende kommune- og lokalplanlægning for Tornbjerggård skal disse fremsendes skriftligt til Syddjurs Kommune, Hovedgaden 77, 8410 Rønde eller til syddjurs@syddjurs.dk senest den 19. februar 2013. Ideer og forslag skal være mrk. Sagsnr. 12/5869.

Henvendelse i sagen kan ske til afdelingen for Plan og Byg, Udvikling og Kultur ved planlægger Thomas Djernæs Secher, tds@syddjurs.dk – tlf. 87 53 50 57.

Det videre forløb
Indkomne forslag og idéer i høringsperioden vil indgå i den videre planlægnings- og beslutningsproces.

Hvis Byrådet vedtager et forslag til kommuneplantillæg og lokalplan sendes disse i mindst 8 ugers offentlig høring. Planforslagene offentliggøres på kommunens hjemmeside. Berørte parter, naboer, relevante lokale foreninger, offentlige myndigheder m.fl. vil blive orienteret som anført i planloven. Der vil således også i denne forbindelse være mulighed for at komme med bemærkninger til planlægningen.



22. januar 2013

Guru Rinpoche Day

Dear Friends Near and Far,
I hope you have all been happy and healthy. I have been well and at the moment at the Nagi Gonpa Hermitage performing the Ngakso Drupchen (Ocean of Amrita), a vajrayana mending and purification puja.
From the hagiography, The Wishfulfilling Tree, Padmasambhava himself says, “People of the future who have not met me, read and see my story”.  It is said that merely hearing the name Padmasambhava brings immense blessing. 
On this last Guru Rinpoche day of the Water Dragon Year of 2139 and with an understanding of these words of Padmasambhava to be a prophecy, I bring to you all with much joy the news of the unfolding and unfurling of the story of The Lotus Born into a pictorial depiction of moving images.
Neten Chokling Rinpoche, one of the incarnations of the Great Treasure revealer; Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa is once again coming out with a true gem and this time none other than the story of the Lotus Born Guru. Rinpoche has previously made a film on the life of Milarepa and Brilliant Moon: Glimpses of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.  
Glimpses into scenes from the life story of Padmasambhava- the Enlightened Hero of our time.
Ext. Samye courtyard, Tibet
Under the shade of the peacock feather parasols, the priest Padmasambhava, the abbot Shantarakshita and the king Trisong Duetsen, circumambulate the temple.  Suddenly a shower of arura fruit falls from the skies.  The king’s attendant holding the peacock-feathered parasol exclaims, holding an arura fruit in his hand.
                   Your Majesty, it is an arura!
                   This medicinal fruit is obtained
                   only in India.
The king looks extremely joyous. 
Int. King’s chamber, Samye
                   Since the temple is now established 
                   the Abbot and I ask your permission to
                   leave for India.
Trisong Duetsen is taken aback. The king clasps his hands at his chest and sorrowfully speaks to the two masters.
     Compassionate Masters, please listen.
                   Tibet is a land of fiends where the
                   sound of the holy Dharma is not even
                   heard. Although your kindness has
                   already been great I humbly
          supplicate that you postpone such an exit!
The King sheds tears. The two foreign masters feel compassion for the Tibetan King.
      Your Majesty, the three of us have come
        together in Tibet through the ripening of
      karma from the aspirations of our three
         lives. Since we, the three brothers, again
     have this connection as we had in past
         lives, I shall not turn back your request.
Very good, I will do likewise.
Upper cave at Chimpu Hermitage
A young girl of 16 sits on the floor of the hermitage facing Padmasambhava who is sitting on a cushioned platform.
                 Tsogyal, when practicing the Dharma,
                 you must first tame your own mind.
                         What does that mean?
                You must extinguish the scorching flames
                of anger, cross the river of desire, crumble
                the mountain of pride, overcome the storm
                of envy and light the torch of discriminating
                knowledge in the darkness of ignorance. 
Yeshe Tsogyal looks to Padmasambhava with full attention.
                These five poisons of anger, desire, pride,
                envy and delusion will ruin your being in
                samsara if you uninhibitedly indulge in them. 
                Do not let them run wild.  There is a danger
                in that.
Yeshe Tsogyal nods her head.
Int. Upper cave at Chimpu Hermitage
Yeshe Tsogyal is writing down something on a yellow parchment.
                I, Tsogyal, have been serving the master
                for a while now.  On different occasions,
                he gave advice on Dharma practice that I
                persistently retained in my perfect recall,
                collected, and wrote down for the sake of
                future generations. This is committed to
                writing in the Upper Cave at Chimpu on
                the twenty fifth day of the second month
                of fall in the Year of the Sow.
She rolls the small parchment and puts it in a small leather box.  She exits her cave hermitage with it.
Standing in front of a big odd shaped boulder, Yeshe Tsogyal presses the small leather box onto the rock surface.  After a gentle push the small box gently sinks into the hard surface of the boulder and disappears from sight.
                Since they are not meant to be spread at the
                present time conceal them as a precious treasure. 
Outside Samye Gate
An old woman waits by the road near the gate of Samye.  Padmasambhava passes through the gate.  On seeing him, she bows down and joins her palms before him.
                Great Master, you are about to leave for your
                hermitage and I am about to die.  Please give an
                instruction that requires little hardship, that is
                simple to grasp, easy to apply and very effective.
                        Old lady, who are you?
               I am the one who has been sending the bowl of curd.
Padmasambhava acknowledges her kindness with a smile.
                Old lady, take the cross-legged position
                and keep your body upright. 
The old woman sits down as instructed.
               For a short while, simply remain with
               totally relaxed attention.
Gungthang Pass, Tibet
               The sun is setting in our hearts.  Since you                          are leaving for Chamara we are left without a
               guide. From the king to the pauper we all rely on                    you. What will we do after you leave.  What will                      happen to us? Who do we turn to for advice?
Padmasambhava looks to Yeshe Tsogyal.
               For the moment you should not worry
               because the Dharma is like the sun at noon
               in Tibet.  Therefore it makes no difference
               whether I am here or not.
He looks down to the Tibetans.  Some of the older ones cry.
               To those who have faith in me, I have never
               departed - I sleep on the threshold of their homes.
               From those with erring views I am concealed,
               though yet I stand before them.
Through this film, may the wisdom and compassion of Padmasambhava’s life act as a soothing balm to quell the miseries afflicted out of ignorance. 
Sarva Mangalam,
Phakchok Rinpoche

1. januar 2013

The year of 2012 at Gomde Denmark

Dear friends and fellow students.

This past year has been unfolding a tremendous richness of teachings by our dear Rinpoches. At Rangjung Yeshe Gomde in Denmark we have been blessed with five remarkable masters who came and shared from their treasury of wisdom.

In spring in April came Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche of Mindrolling and gave peerless advice on “The Awakened Heart”. She taught on our innate qualities of kindness and wisdom. Earlier she sent these lines, “We all want to be happy and to avoid suffering, but we do not seem to know how to obtain this. Maybe because we do not know, who we really are? Why are we not just kind, compassionate and wise all the time?” For two days Khandro Rinpoche gave instructions in her flawless English to many new and old students.

Then came our yearly Cloudless Summercamp, a tradition which began in 1994 when our precious teacher Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, founder of Gomde, came to Denmark to help us establish the Buddha’s teachings on enlightenment and compassion in our hearts.

This year Rinpoche gave wonderful instructions in two segments, the last of which was a unique guidance manual in the nature of mind according to Shakya Shri, a recent Dzogchen and Mahamudra master who is renowned as Lord of Siddhas. In addition he gave empowerment and reading transmission for Arya Tara and presided over the yearly Ocean of Amrita ceremony. During this time Rinpoche again gave the pointing-out instruction to the nature of mind, as well as refuge ceremony for new Buddhists.

A month later our dear master Chokling Rinpoche of Tsikey arrived to bestow the Vajrasattva empowerment and give detailed instructions for four days. At the end he gave a short teaching on how to approach seeing the nature of mind, and the need to go through ngondro and yidam practice. Many people mentioned that they felt his special blessings and that their hearts opened up in a way they had never felt before.

In September we had the fortune to receive Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche, one of the foremost experts on Vajrayana, especially Mahayoga Tantra. He performed the tantric ritual for transforming our land to Sacred World, the nature of hindrances and how to overcome them, as well as how to recognize true signs of progress on the path.

Finally after two years, we saw the return of Drubwang Tsoknyi Rinpoche who held a week-long meditation retreat, Open Mind Open Heart. During this time he outlined a path which ties therapy, inner yoga, and Dzogchen together in a seamless fashion – with profound humor and insight. Everyone received the the pointing-out instruction, at least one hundred times.

Phakchok Rinpoche visited Copenhagen and Århus and gave talk on A Key to a Meaningful Life, the Sutra on the Wisdom of Passing, and on Phowa.

Gomde also held a Tara retreat on The Triple Excellence by Lama Tenzin Sangpo. This is part of an extensive program on the Path to realize Arya Tara, which is backed up by online teaching and practice at www.dharmasun.org.

From our own ranks Antonia Sumbundu held retreats at both upper and lower Gomde on Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy.

As Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche has asked me, I shared some insights from my teachers, especially Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche. During three Padmasambhava Retreats I began to share the Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo, as well as a retreat on learning to die peacefully. During the summer seminars I gave evening talks, blending stories of past masters with their teachings.

All these retreats and teachings at Gomde unfolded through a combination of our gurus’ kindness and the volunteers who arranged for them. I therefore thank all of you who helped during 2012 from the bottom of my heart. I pray that we will have a fortune equal to this in the coming years.

Remember why we came to these teachings. Please don’t let the Buddha’s wisdom be just technical theories for an insider-group, but share your heart connection to kindness and insight with the other people you care for so that they too may feel inspired to be kind and to enjoy the journey to enlightenment.

Warm wishes and happy New Year,

Erik Pema Kunsang