25. oktober 2011

A Buddha is coming soon to a place near you.

Jack: Our clan have an ethically correct furcoat, and we live on nothing but pure vegan nontoxic hazelnuts. What else can there be to life?

Buddha: Head towards Gomde retreat center in Denmark as fast as your bushy tail allows. Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche is coming there in December to help all sentient beings. And that includes you!

22. oktober 2011

Århus praksisgruppen: GURU YOGA - realistisk tilgang m. Erik Pema Kunsang

Torsdag d. 27. oktober kl. 19 til ca. 21 underviser Erik Pema Kunsang i Århus praksisgruppen.
Hvad er guru yoga? Hvorfor gør vi det? Hvad betyder det?
Hvordan gør vi det i praksis?

Guru yoga nævnes i en af de allerførste Dzogchen dakini tantraer, 'Brilliant Expanse', og er en metode til at frembringe den opvågnede tilstand direkte i et almindeligt menneske. Oplevelse og realisering samt roden til alle opnåelser inden for Vajrayana, er alene afhængig af velsignelserne fra guruen.

Erik Pema Kunsang er elev af Dzogchen mesteren Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche. Han har en naturlig enkel facon, som guider deltagerne legende gennem begreber og fastlåste holdninger på en måde, der inviterer til personlig refleksion og afklaring.

‘When we trust sincerely and open up in pure perception and faith, it is a very clean state of mind, very, very pure. This is especially true if the feeling is so intense that the hairs of one’s body stand on end and tears are in one’s eyes. At that moment, one is very close to recognizing the naked state of mind; the innate nature is almost laid bare. That is the power of devotion and pure perception.’ - Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche -

Øsal Lings tempelrum
Fredensgade 39, stuen i baghuset
Aarhus C

Entré: 80 kr

ALLE er velkomne.

Kærlig hilsen Århus praksisgruppen

20. oktober 2011

Fællesspisning i København - den. 2 november

Kære alle,

En lille hilsen fra Gomdes praksisgruppe i København.

Vi har fællesspisning onsdag den 2. november, inden vi mediterer. Det er en lille markering af, at nu har vi fået startet godt op efter sommerens pause. Alle, der har lyst til at spise med, er velkomne :-)

Hvor og hvornår: 18.30 i køkkenet på Grundtvigs Sidevej 4, 1865 Frederiksberg C. 

Vi har først lokalet fra det tidspunkt, hvorfor vi ikke kan forvente at kunne komme ind ret længe før.

Tag selv noget mad med eller bestil gennem mig på tlf: 5059 1787 eller på email: privateakr@togamix.dk. Vi arrangerer hentning af take away fra Bindia http://www.bindia.dk/Catalog-Menu_39.aspx

Varme hilsener fra gruppen, ved Metea.

12. oktober 2011

Student Discount

We are happy to announce a special student discount for events at Gomde this fall and winter. For students with a valid student ID, Gomde is now offering a 50% discount on retreats and seminars.

This discount will apply to the upcoming retreat with Erik Pema Kunsang (October 16-23) and Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche's Winter Seminar (December 27 to January 1). To make use of the discount, simply sign up at www.gomde.dk as a regular participant and e-mail a scan of your student ID to: gomde@gomde.dk.

To help make this initiative a success, we ask all of you, especially the students within our community, to help raise awareness at your local school or university and on facebook etc. Depending on the outcome of this program we hope to make it a permanent feature - but we need your help in getting the word out!

Warm regards,

The Gomde Seminar Team

9. oktober 2011

Rooms during the Winter Retreat

There are now just a few places left in the single and double rooms during Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche's winter seminar. Sign up soon if you need a spot!

2. oktober 2011

Announcing www.rangjungyeshe.dk

[The message follows in English translation below.]


Det glæder os fra bestyrelse for Foreningen Rangjung Yeshe Sangha at kunne fortælle, at vor nye hjemmeside og sangha-forum nu kan findes på:

Hjemmesiden vil være bestyrelsen og arbejdsgruppers medie for information til medlemmer og offentlighed omkring det igangværende arbejde samt planer for fremtiden.

Det vil også være et sted, hvor hele sanghaen kan deltage i on-line drøftelser om vores aktiviteter for forening, dele ideer, finde andre at samarbejde med, og hvor man kan bede om/tilbyde hjælp til hinanden.

Hjemmesiden er åben for offentligheden, men forummet er kun åbent for medlemmer af Foreningen Rangjung Yeshe Sangha, så meld dig ind og giv din stemme lyd!

www.rangjungyeshe.dk er ikke en erstatning for www.gomde.dk (Fonden Rangjung Yeshe Gomde) som fortsat vil være hjemmeside for retreat centret på Helgenæs. Hjemmesiden www.rangjungyeshe.dk er blevet oprettet, da vi som bekendt har formaliseret vor tilknytning til sanghaen i et foreningsfælleskab, der som selvstændig juridisk enhed har egne behov for medlemskommunikation omkring foreningsaktiviter afledt af vedtægterne.

/Bestyrelsen for Foreningen Rangjung Yeshe Sangha


The board of the Danish Rangjung Yeshe Sangha association is happy to announce our new website and sangha forum at

The website is intended to be the channel for the board and various work groups to inform our members and the general public about ongoing work and future plans.

It is also a place for the entire sangha to meet on-line for conversations about our work as an association, to share ideas, to find others to cooperate with and to ask for or offer our help to each other.

The website is open to the general public, but the forum is open only to members of the Rangjung Yeshe Sangha. Please join and make your voice heard!

www.rangjungyeshe.dk is not a replacement for www.gomde.dkof Rangjung Yeshe Gomde, which will continue to be the website of the retreat place at Helgenæs. But since we have a created a new organizational and legal body that has its own needs for communication with members this new website has been created for the stated purpouses.


/The Board of the Danish Rangjung Yeshe Sangha

Registration is now open for the winter seminar

Dear friends and sangha members,

Online registration is now open for the winter seminar, 'Discovering the Buddha Within',  at Gomde Denmark with Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche.

The dates for the seminar are Dec. 27, 2011 - Jan. 1, 2012.  We have a limited number of rooms available, which will be provided on a first come first serve basis.

For registration, please visit: www.gomde.dk

In this seminar, Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche will be giving teachings and meditation instruction on a series of short, yet very profound guidance texts that point out the nature of mind. The authors of these texts are three of the most well-known masters of Tibetan Buddhism: Milarepa, Gampopa, and Karmapa Rangjung Dorje.

We hope that you will be able to join us to celebrate the fortune of having a true wisdom master in our midst.

Warm regards,

The Gomde Seminar Team