30. maj 2010

Joy of exertion

Dear Dharma friends,

I wrote this poem for gomde tonight.
Please post it on the sangha site if you find it relevant and appropriate, just thought it might be of some interest to someone other than just myself.
All good things to you all,
chris campau, Ry, Denmark.

Joy of exertion (for gomde)

to do the work that needs doing

is the aim of my practice.

I do not strive to do nothing at all.

as long as there is a need

i will rest only just enough,

the remainder spent

in the practice of joyous exertion.

making no promises.

enticing no enemies

other than ignorance

in practicing the precious dharma.

28. maj 2010

Tenga Rinpoche i Odense 13. juni 2010

Benchen Karma Geleg Dargye Ling centeret i Odense annoncerer hermed den glædelige nyhed, at vi afholder sommerkursus med Tenga Rinpoche søndag den 13. juni 2010 kl. 14:00.

Tenga Rinpoche har ønsket personligt at vælge emnet for undervisningen, som han vil annoncere ved kursusstart.

Oversættelse: Der vil være oversættelse til dansk og til engelsk.

Kurset finder sted på adressen:

Odense Toldkammer, st.th.,Østre Stationsvej 43

5000 Odense C

Kursuslokalet ligger 500 meter fra Odense banegård. Der er gode parkeringsmuligheder.

NB! Husk at medbringe siddepude.

Pris: 200 kr.


Da der er begrænsede pladser, bør I tilmelde jer i god tid på odensecentret@hotmail.com

Tlf.: 70 20 90 73


Se vores hjemmeside www.benchenling.dk eller kontakt os på odensecentret

Mange hilsner fra

Benchen Karma Geleg Dargye Ling

26. maj 2010

A letter from Phakchok Rinpoche

Dear Dharma Friends,

I hope you've all been happy and healthy. The message below was sent out on Guru Rinpoche Day, but due to some technical error, many of you didn't receive it. It is my hope that you receive it this time without any obstacle and if you happen to receive a double copy, please bear with us.

I would like to share with you a teaching that is very dear to my heart. A teaching given by my grandfather many years ago. And it is to my hope that the teaching will have some positive impact on you.

Heart Advice from my grandfather, Kyabje Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche:

This Precious Human Body:

The body we have right now is called the precious human body. In this world there are countless sentient beings and among all of them, the best one is this precious human body, which is very hard to obtain again and again. It is impossible to obtain a precious human body through demerit. It is only through the accumulation of merits in your past lives and the residual of incredible great positive karma that we can arrive in a body like this.
Having being born as a human is like arriving on an island of jewels. But if we don’t take any of them and just keep our hands crossed and go home empty handed, then what really is the point? So how do we make this precious human birth meaningful? It is only through practicing the spiritual path that one can make this precious human body significant. Without which you are just an ordinary human trapped in an ordinary human body.
And why is this human body called precious? It is because of this body, that we can listen to precious teachings when they are explained and subsequently put them into practice. But if we waste such a precious thing like this, there is truly no greater loss than that. If we don’t practice the dharma then we are no different than an animal. So truly and honestly we should really persevere to practice the dharma.

Practicing the Dharma:

To practice the dharma means having trust, diligence and being wise/intelligent. Trust means having complete trust and confidence in the Dharma, the teachings and in the one who taught the teachings, the Buddha. Therefore having complete trust in the Buddha and the Dharma. Complete trust in the Sangha, the ones who upholds the teachings and therefore a feeling of gratitude towards the Sangha. We need to trust in these three (Buddha/Dharma/Sangha).
Diligence means, in any kind of job you do, if you begin and do not finish then it is never completed. Therefore what carries you to complete that job is called diligence.
And being wise/intelligent is first of all what we gain from listening to teachings, from thinking about them and than later applying them. So when you hear something and you gain some trust and confidence then you have some insight that is called the knowledge through learning. And then when you think it over, the knowledge through reflection and finally the knowledge through meditation practice and having full confidence and trust in it. It is for that reason invincible to have trust. If one mistrusts then that is a great defect.
If one has no compassion and trust it is very hard to penetrate the very heart of the dharma. It is like someone who when seeing Buddhas and bodhisattvas flying in the sky think they are just showing off and when seeing a creature lying on the floor with it’s intestines flowing out and saying oh it’s his karma, everyone dies.

Devotion and Compassion:

Compassion and devotion shouldn’t just be a show. And shouldn’t only be of lip service. It should be from the depths of our heart. Trust towards the teachings of the Buddha should be with pure appreciation. We need to have the kind of trust which is penetrating so that tears comes out of our eyes and the hairs on our body naturally stand, a kind of feeling difficult to remain in. Simply by uttering some empty words wont’ suffice. When thinking of other beings you should have the kind of compassion thinking that they are all my parents and yet they don’t know what to do, they create immense pain and suffering for themselves, yet they are not aware of it. They have no idea about the ultimate truth, the true state of Samadhi. So they wonder from one life to the next in the endless chain of samsara. Therefore, the ones who are filled with overwhelming compassion for sentient beings and with unwavering devotion for the enlighten ones; they will without any doubt receive the blessings of all the Buddhas and bodhisattvas.
Just to pay lip service and superficially act as if one pities sentient beings and respects the enlighten ones is not enough to receive the blessings. It has to be with hundred percent sincerity. So here are some signs of receiving the blessings, and they are when you no longer have to try to feel kind and compassionate, as it will come spontaneously and you no longer have to try to be deliberately respectful, as it will come spontaneously as well. Those are the signs. With a natural trust in the teaching and the consequences of karma, that is the real accomplishment of dharma practice. That is the real siddhi.

Receiving the Blessings:

You may not be having a lot of knowledge and information of the dharma but if you have real trust in the three jewels and you have kindness towards other beings and acutely understand that in this life, nothing last forever, then you have already received the blessings of the three jewels. Otherwise just to know a lot of teachings can sometimes really resolve in nothing but conceit. Or thinking I have practiced so much and so many years of Shamatha and Samadhi. People who have a lot of practice behind them usually become more miserly and stingy. This is proof that the teachings have not taken affect. So what is the main mission at stake? It is after all about buddha-nature, which is the very identity within which the bodies, speech, mind, qualities and enlighten activities of all the Buddhas are complete. Actually the body, speech, and mind of any sentient being have its source or origin only in the body, speech, and mind of all the awakened ones. This unchanging quality is called the vajra body, the unceasing quality the vajra speech and the unmistaken quality, the vajra mind. The indivisible unity of these three is exactly what buddha-nature means.


If we don’t recognize or acknowledge in our own experience what is the unchanging quality of this buddha-nature, then it is more or less like entering into the entrapment of the physical body of flesh and blood, our speech being entrapped within the movement of breath to become voice and voice that appears and disappears. Our consciousness becomes fixated upon a perceiver or the perceived. In other words, fixation on duality that arises and ceases for each moment, in other words, thoughts that come and go, one after the other in an endless string of thoughts continued from beginning less time and just goes on and on. That is how our normal state of mind is. If we don’t recognize our own nature in this very lifetime, we are then incapable of capturing our natural seat of unchanging self-existent wakefulness. Instead, we chase after one perishable thought after the other so that samsara becomes endless. Being overpowered by this involvement in thought day and night, life after life. Unless you become free of conceptual thinking, there is absolutely no way to truly awaken to enlightenment.

The Supreme Method:

Great peace is when the conceptual thinking subsides or calms down. And there is such a way for that to happen. The thoughts which are an expression, while thinking if you truly recognize that you are in natural phase, which is buddha-nature, at that same moment, any thought vanishes by itself leaving no trace. That brings an end to samsara. So the basic way for that is the supreme method, once you know that one method is there anything superior to that you need to know? And this way is something, which is already attained in your self, it is not something that we need to get from someone else, by bribe, search for and finally find. It is not necessary at all. Just recognize your own natural phase and you have already transcended the six realms of samsara. That way is what one asks for when asking a master to please give instruction on mind essence. This is the most precious which one doesn’t need to search for outside, it is in your self. This is called the Buddha being placed in the palm of your own hand. That is an analogy which means, at that moment, you don’t need to seek for the awakened state somewhere else. If you line up all the money and wealth of the whole world in a big heap on one side and on the other side the recognition of buddha-nature, the nature of our own mind then what is more valuable if you were to choose between the two? Obviously, you should without a doubt choose recognizing mind essence as being much more valuable. This is called the amazing Buddha within.

If you have a wish-fulfilling jewel and yet don’t use it, then the endless samsara lies before you. Isn’t there more trouble? This is something we really need to think about. This is the real crucial point. If we didn’t have this innate buddha-nature, who can actually blame you. This buddha-nature, it is the identity of the three kayas of all Buddhas.

And in closing:

Although my mind is the Buddha, I failed to acknowledge it
Though the essence of thought is Dharmakaya, I failed to recognize it
Though the innate natural state is uncontrived, I failed to sustain it
Though this naturalness is the true state, I failed to trust it
So Guru, please look upon me with compassion and grant your blessings
That I may quickly turn my mind towards the dharma
And have no obstacles on the path and quickly have diligence to practice

Sarva Mangalam,
Phakchok Rinpoche

Pilgrimage in the Year of the Iron Tiger: Following the footsteps of the Buddha, The Awakened One
Tentative date: December 15th-25th, 2010
Visit www.cglf.org for more information

* The above teaching was given at Nagi Gonpa by Kyabje Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche with Erik Pema Kunsang as his translator.

12. maj 2010

Foreningen Gomde Sangha

En glædelig nyhed til alle venner af Rangjung Yeshe Gomde, Danmark.

I anledning af stiftende generalforsamling sammen med Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche sommeren 2010, indkalder vi hermed til et forberedende møde på Gomde d. 29. maj kl. 10.00 -13.00

Denne forening har længe været undervejs og ser nu dagens lys.

Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche sagde forleden fra Malaysia, ”Tiden er inde. Begynd det forberedende arbejdsmøde så snart som muligt. Vi tager de endelige beslutninger når jeg kommer til Danmark.”

Mødets formål er at drøfte foreningen Gomde Sangha, dens formål og vedtægter, information om opgaver tilknyttet Gomde, foreningens fordele, forskellige medlemsniveauer m.m.

Et udkast til vedtægter er allerede grundigt gennemarbejdet og ligger parat. Det kan downloades på http://gomde.dk/pages/dokumenter/Gomde Sangha vedtægter maj 2010.doc

I første omgang inviteres især praktiserende buddhister som er interesserede i aktivt at hjælpe foreningen Gomde Sangha. Til den stiftende generalforsamling sammen med Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche den 6/7 kl. 9.00 er alle velkomne.

Foreningen vil være åben for alle buddhister samt for alle som sympatiserer og støtter Buddhas lære.

Send venligst en email om du deltager i det forberedende møde. Er du forhindret i at komme personligt så skriv gerne et par linjer om at du vil være med til at støtte og hvordan.

S.U. Af hensyn til planlægning og praktisk arbejde i forbindelse med det forberedende møde, bedes i meddele om i kan komme, senest d. 25/5 2010 og evt. om i kan komme 2 timer før og blive to timer efter, for at hjælpe med forberedelser og oprydning.

På glædelig gensyn og hilsner

Kaj Hansen, Bo Frederiksen, Lillian Steenholt, Tara og Erik Pema Kunsang.

Gomde Sangha Møde
Smedehalden 3
8420 Knebel
Tel 86356835. Email programs@gomde.dk

Dagsorden for mødet d. 29/5:

Kl. 8-10: Forberedelser af mødet.

Kl.10-10.30: Fælles meditation

Kl. 10.30-13: Præsentation og diskussion af udkast til vedtægter.

Kl. 13-14: Let frokost

Kl. 16-18: Oprydning

11. maj 2010

Compassion and Egolessness

Compassion and Egolessness - the path to freedom and enlightenment – distilled into just two words. How do we discover true compassion and see through ego’s deception? How to avoid love getting sticky or insight getting dry and cold-hearted?

Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche teaches this at Gomde retreat center in Demark, June 29 to July 1.

You can recommend this section of SummerCamp to friends and family.

10. maj 2010

Dzongsar Khyentse on social harmony and happiness

In Laos there is a saying that too much education makes you unhappy. This proverb is contrary to everything you hear these days — namely that education is the key to everything.

But this kind of folk proverb has a lot of wisdom, in part because we often only identify issues as problems when we have knowledge and information about them. So we don’t really know whether our peace and happiness are due simply to ignorance or to our ability to make ourselves truly happy even when we have knowledge.

But there is more wisdom in that Laotian proverb, because education sometimes seems to make us so greedy and stressed. Many of my friends, particularly in Asian countries like Singapore and Hong Kong, are pushed relentlessly from a very young age to study so hard, get A’s, go to university, be competitive, get bank jobs, work around the clock, and live totally scheduled lives. They don’t have a life; they are stressed; and they aren’t very happy.

By contrast, Laotians still manage to smile and be friendly despite having been bombed more than any other country for a mistake they didn’t even make. From my own experience there, I think it may have something to do with Laotians being very laid back and seemingly not very ambitious or greedy.

Read the rest of the article.>>

6. maj 2010

Albertgaarden nær Gomde har en dejlig lejlighed fri.

På Albertgaarden er der en dejlig lejlighed på 130 m2 i to etager med gårdhave og udsigt til sø i haven i skøn natur til leje fra 1 juni 2010. Albertgården er et buddhistisk kunstnermiljø tilknyttet Gomde retreat center på Helgenæs.

Stuetagen består af stort køkken-alrum og badeværelse.

Første sal har tre værelser og sydvendt altan.
Der er 1 km til egen strand med badebro.
Havet kan ses fra haven.
Prisen er 4.500 kr pr mdr + forbrug.

Henvendelse til Steen Stender