27. oktober 2010

Invitation til anden ekstraordinære generalforsamling i foreningen Gomde Sangha

Du inviteres hermed til den anden ekstraordinære generalforsamling i forbindelse med finpudsningen af vedtægterne således at de kan danne et bedre grundlag for godkendelse af Gomde Sangha som trossamfund.

Den ekstraordinære generalforsamling finder sted den 4. December 2010 kl. 14 – 15, i forbindelse med Phakchok Rinpoche’s seminar d. 1. – 4. December.

Forslag til de nye vedtægter kan læses her >>>>

Vi skal have evt. ændringsforslag sendt til Kaj Hansen senest den 20. November 2010.

Foreningen Gomde Sangha blev stiftet på sommerens SummerCamp under tilstedeværelse og støtte af Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche.

Det har længe været et ønske fra sanghaen at have en demokratisk ramme om aktiviteterne på Gomde og at der blev taget de første nødvendige tiltag for at få etableret et trossamfund som kan blive officielt anerkendt.

Foreningen blev stiftet den 5. juli 2010:

Der blev valgt en bestyrelse med følgende medlemmer til bestyrelsen:
  • Kaj Hansen (formand)
  • Andreas Doctor
  • Annelise Christensen
  • Anton Baare
  • Gita Nielsen
  • Lillian Steenholt
  • Mette Zeuthen

Endvidere blev der etableret et Sangha Råd, udpeget af Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, der har til opgave at støtte bestyrelsen:

  • Erik Hein Schmidt
  • Mads Julius-Nielsen
  • Thomas Doctor

I forbindelse med Chokyi Nyima Rinpoches efterårsseminar på Gomde den 1. – 4. oktober, blev der afholdt en ekstraordinær generalforsamling i foreningen, de finpudsede vedtægter blev vedtaget, se referat her >>>>

Vi håber, at alle vil støtte op omkring den nye demokratiske forening Gomde Sangha og indmelde dig i foreningen, hvis du ikke allerede har gjort det.

Kontingentet for resten af 2010 samt hele 2011 er fastsat til kun kr. 50,00.

Du kan indmelde dig online på indmeldelsesformularen her >>>>

Kontingentet på kr. 50,00 kan betales ved at overføre beløbet til foreningens bankkonto i Sydbank, reg.nr. 6845 konto nr. 0001440900.

Alle, som har betalt kontingent er stemmeberettigede til den ekstraordinære generalforsamling.

Medbring gerne en kopi af bankoverførsel.

Der vil også være mulighed for at betale kontingent til foreningen i forbindelse med seminaret d. 1. -4. December.

Vi glæder os til et forsat godt samarbejde med Sanghaen.

Bestyrelsen for Gomde Sangha

17. oktober 2010

Phakchok Rinpoche: The difference between the mind section and the wisdom section

Dear Everyone,

Today I thought I’d answer a question that I get asked quite frequently by students, the difference between the mind section and the wisdom section.

In the mind section, the key is noticing. It is extremely important to notice negative emotions. There is a difference between judgment and noticing. When you have judgment then your emotions arise because judgment comes with duality. When you notice the emotions don’t arise because you don’t follow the second thought, it is only recognition of a negative emotion, nothing more.

The wisdom section can be categorized into the appearance of wisdom and essential wisdom. The appearance of wisdom is free from duality, from bad and good. Don’t think that it is bad if you have a negative emotion and good when you have a positive emotion. After all whether if it’s positive or negative, it is just an emotion, which is impermanent. One must participate in pure perception. See all emotions, positive and negative with pure perception and hence neither good nor bad. Essential wisdom on the other hand involves less judgment and without engaging. Not clinging onto the emotions, not holding onto the emotions, just letting them be. If you hold onto the emotions once they arise and do not let them dissolve naturally then that is not essential wisdom. Notice them and let them be. They will dissolve on their own, naturally. This is important to understand and practice. This is the essential teaching.

Right now I am in the very south of Brazil, near Port Alegra at Khandro Ling. Today with the sangha here we auspiciously performed Guru Rinpoche’s Shower of Blessing tsok offering. During the tsok offering I thought of you all and had you all in my heart, praying for your long life, good health, and prosperity.

Sarva Mangalam,

Phakchok Rinpoche

14. oktober 2010

Spontaneous doha celebrating Erik

For fear of using the wrong word, I find myself

Lipreading the dharma, dripping from the crystalline heart

Teacher of the unspeakable,

Authorised only by compassion

After so long being pregnant.

Clouds touch ground, the sky clears leaving the subtlety of joy obvious.

Orbiting, and nothing stays still.

Stillness is yet another death wish

Spat away from the event horizon of a laughing black hole.

You make it easy to not be overly humble,

Though still I am.

That is the way valleys stand

To mountains,

The word is auspicious,

--- Chris Campau ---

5. oktober 2010

Resident Teacher Erik Pema Kunsang

I hope and wish for the benefit of all that the sangha of Gomdé Denmark in the near future would consider the possibility having a residence for Erik and Tara. I think it is of great importance that we work together for this to happen.

René Kimose

4. oktober 2010

Erik Pema Kunsang

Yesterday, at the end of giving the Padmasambhava empowerment, Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche officially authorized Erik Pema Kunsang as a Dharma teacher.
To seal it Rinpoche handed his personal vajra and bell to Erik.

We who where present were moved by Rinpoche's kind words and rejoiced in others good fortune.

We all wish that you Erik will reach many people's hearts by your wonderful way of communicating the Dharma in your clear and understandable way by sharing all what you learned from so many precious teachers.

May your life be long and your health be strong.

1. oktober 2010

Gomde Apple Day 2010

Today is wonderful - great fresh apple juice picked in the organic apple orchard at Gomde Denmark by Rinpoche and a joyful group of his students. The first apple chosen is the Ingrid Marie apple which gives a beautiful pale pink hue - sweet with a aftertaste of heaven. It is known as the national apple of Denmark, has firm white flesh and red skin. The juice was made on location.

The orchard has about a thousand trees of a wide variety of sorts. OH YES!!!

Thanks to René Kimose for the photos.

We have got a new logo

We are happy to announce that Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche has approved a new logo to Gomde.

You will see it often in the future – please enjoy.