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Hvis du har lyst til at lave sund, økologisk, vegetarisk mad i fællesskab med andre, du synes det er inspirerende og kreativt at være med til at lave mad til mellem 25 og 100 mennesker, og du gerne vil deltage i at skabe en god atmosfære, så skriv venligst til :
På forhånd TAK :-)
De bedste hilsner,
på Sangha Foreningens Bestyrelses vegne,
Mette Zeuthen
27. juli 2010
Foreningen Gomde Sangha
Den 5. Juli 2010 blev Foreningen Gomde Sangha stiftet, se referat på:Referat fra stiftende generalforsamling den 5. juli 2010
Vedtæger godkendt på stiftende generalforsamling den 5. juli 2010
Der var stor opbakning til generalforsamlingen, hvor også Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche deltog.
Vi er rigtig glade for den store opbakning til foreningen, der blandt andet skal forestå driftsopgaver på Gomde i samarbejde med Erik og Tara, se vedtægterne på:
I vil snart modtage en mail, hvor der er oplysninger om, hvordan I kan melde jer ind i foreningen.
Vi ved allerede nu, at de vedtægter vi vedtog den 5. Juli, skal gøres mere klare, så det arbejder vi på i efteråret.
På vegne af bestyrelsen
Kaj Hansen
H.E. Chokling Rinpoche´s 2010 Schedule, New CGLF Website and Special Events
Dear Dharma Friends,
Tashi Delek. We hope that you and everyone connected to you continues to prosper and have good fortune.
To all webmasters, listserv operators, and friends, please post and forward this information on to anyone who would be interested.
First off, please are to announce the launch of the new Chokgyur Lingpa Foundation website and H.E. Chokling Rinpoche's 2010 travel schedule. Please visit us at cglf.org to learn more.
Special Events:
We are pleased and honoured to announce the following events which are specially organised in accordance with our Rinpoches' wishes to benefit all sentient beings and preserve the Buddhadharma. You would have received news of our first ever ritual course a few weeks ago, and more details can be found below. In addition to that, we are organizing our first pilgrimage as well as the first of a series of Nine Yanas retreat in Asia. Please refer to the individual attachments for more details on each event. To register or for more information, please email us at events@cglf.org.
* Link to pdf-document: http://gomde.dk/pages/news/Sadhana_Ritual_Trinley_Nyingpo.pdf
Pilgrimage : Footsteps of the Buddha
In our first ever pilgrimage, we are very happy to announce that we will be visitng all the major sacred sites of the Lord Buddha Shakyamuni. As Buddhists, a pilgrimage is an important act of devotion and faith as it enables us to accumulate merit and purify our defilements of our body, speech and mind. This pilgrimage is particularly special as it will be lead by His Eminence Chokling Rinpoche and Kyabgon Phakchok Rinpoche. In tracing the Footsteps of the Buddha, the Rinpoches will be leading us to eight major holy sites, where Lord Buddha was born, where He attained enlightenment, where He turned the first, second and third Wheel of Dharma, where He performed miracles, where He passed into parinirvana and the site of one of the greatest Buddhist universities in ancient times.
* Link to pdf-document: http://gomde.dk/pages/news/Intro_Footsteps_of_the_Buddha.pdf
Nine Yanas Retreat : The Shravakayana
We are pleased to announce that as our first event for 2011, H.E. Tsikey Chokling Rinpoche and Kyabgön Phakchok Rinpoche will begin a series of teachings on the Nine Yanas in Nepal. This retreat will begin with the Shravakayana, the vehicle of listeners and hearers.
* Link to pdf-document: http://gomde.dk/pages/news/Nine_Yanas_retreat_Nepal.pdf
Why practice the nine yanas? Phakchok Rinpoche explains :
“By practicing the nine yanas, one will have a better understanding and knowledge of how to practice the different teachings the Buddha taught. One will learn how to study, reflect, and meditate in stages like the levels of a staircase.
The Buddha said that the meaning of all vehicles agrees at one point and that all the different paths arrive at the same point. In actuality there is one vehicle, and all the vehicles are one, so if you are not able to understand all the different paths then how will you understand the one point that they all arrive at? Each of the nine yanas has their own different view, conduct, meditation, and fruition, but they are not completely divorced from each other; each one is able to clarify the meaning of the previous one, and also the next.”
This retreat will be held from January 2 to 8, 2011 in Pharping, Nepal. This is one of the most sacred sites for Guru Rinpoche, where he performed the sadhana of Palchen Yangdak and attains the Vidyadhara stage of Mahamudra realisation.
Sadhana Ritual Course : Trinley Nyingpo
As announced earlier, we will be holding this unique course in order to teach participants all aspects of the sadhana practice of Trinley Nyingpo, one of the most famous sadhanas in the Chokling Tersar cycle. This course will enable practitioners to delve into the true meaning of the sadhana, as well as enable participants to perform all aspects of the ritual properly from the chanting, to using the proper instruments, making tormas and so forth.
The course will be taught at Pal Kadgyu Shedrup Tashi Dhargay Phuntsok Ling Monastery in Boudhanath. The monastery is located 10 minutes away (on foot) from the main stupa.
We are aware that some participants are looking to attend the annual seminar at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery. The hours of the course will be adjusted during the seminar period so that interested participants will be able to attend both. The tentative hours for the course are :
Nov 1 to 19 : 8.00 to 10.00 am, 2.30 to 4.30 pm daily except Sundays
Nov 20 to 29 : 7.00 to 9.00 am, 2.30 to 4.30 pm daily except Sundays
On Nov 30, we will be performing the sadhana together with Chokling Rinpoche in the morning.
The deadline for registration is 30 September 2010. Register in the next 5 days to enjoy 5% off the course fees.
For more information on any of these events, please write to us at events@cglf.org.
Phakchok Rinpoche's Tour Schedule and Second Nine Yanas Retreat in Cooperstown
Phakchok Rinpoche's tour schedule is in progress. He is currently in France. Please visit phakchokrinpoche.org/events.htm for more information.
Registration is filling up for Rinpoche's Nine Yanas Retreat at Gomde Cooperstown from Aug 7-15, so please register as soon as possible to secure your spot in this precious teaching – For more details - http://www.gomdecooperstown.org/cooperstownretreat.htm.
May all be auspicious!
Tashi Delek. We hope that you and everyone connected to you continues to prosper and have good fortune.
To all webmasters, listserv operators, and friends, please post and forward this information on to anyone who would be interested.
First off, please are to announce the launch of the new Chokgyur Lingpa Foundation website and H.E. Chokling Rinpoche's 2010 travel schedule. Please visit us at cglf.org to learn more.
Special Events:
We are pleased and honoured to announce the following events which are specially organised in accordance with our Rinpoches' wishes to benefit all sentient beings and preserve the Buddhadharma. You would have received news of our first ever ritual course a few weeks ago, and more details can be found below. In addition to that, we are organizing our first pilgrimage as well as the first of a series of Nine Yanas retreat in Asia. Please refer to the individual attachments for more details on each event. To register or for more information, please email us at events@cglf.org.
* Link to pdf-document: http://gomde.dk/pages/news/Sadhana_Ritual_Trinley_Nyingpo.pdf
Pilgrimage : Footsteps of the Buddha
In our first ever pilgrimage, we are very happy to announce that we will be visitng all the major sacred sites of the Lord Buddha Shakyamuni. As Buddhists, a pilgrimage is an important act of devotion and faith as it enables us to accumulate merit and purify our defilements of our body, speech and mind. This pilgrimage is particularly special as it will be lead by His Eminence Chokling Rinpoche and Kyabgon Phakchok Rinpoche. In tracing the Footsteps of the Buddha, the Rinpoches will be leading us to eight major holy sites, where Lord Buddha was born, where He attained enlightenment, where He turned the first, second and third Wheel of Dharma, where He performed miracles, where He passed into parinirvana and the site of one of the greatest Buddhist universities in ancient times.
* Link to pdf-document: http://gomde.dk/pages/news/Intro_Footsteps_of_the_Buddha.pdf
Nine Yanas Retreat : The Shravakayana
We are pleased to announce that as our first event for 2011, H.E. Tsikey Chokling Rinpoche and Kyabgön Phakchok Rinpoche will begin a series of teachings on the Nine Yanas in Nepal. This retreat will begin with the Shravakayana, the vehicle of listeners and hearers.
* Link to pdf-document: http://gomde.dk/pages/news/Nine_Yanas_retreat_Nepal.pdf
Why practice the nine yanas? Phakchok Rinpoche explains :
“By practicing the nine yanas, one will have a better understanding and knowledge of how to practice the different teachings the Buddha taught. One will learn how to study, reflect, and meditate in stages like the levels of a staircase.
The Buddha said that the meaning of all vehicles agrees at one point and that all the different paths arrive at the same point. In actuality there is one vehicle, and all the vehicles are one, so if you are not able to understand all the different paths then how will you understand the one point that they all arrive at? Each of the nine yanas has their own different view, conduct, meditation, and fruition, but they are not completely divorced from each other; each one is able to clarify the meaning of the previous one, and also the next.”
This retreat will be held from January 2 to 8, 2011 in Pharping, Nepal. This is one of the most sacred sites for Guru Rinpoche, where he performed the sadhana of Palchen Yangdak and attains the Vidyadhara stage of Mahamudra realisation.
Sadhana Ritual Course : Trinley Nyingpo
As announced earlier, we will be holding this unique course in order to teach participants all aspects of the sadhana practice of Trinley Nyingpo, one of the most famous sadhanas in the Chokling Tersar cycle. This course will enable practitioners to delve into the true meaning of the sadhana, as well as enable participants to perform all aspects of the ritual properly from the chanting, to using the proper instruments, making tormas and so forth.
The course will be taught at Pal Kadgyu Shedrup Tashi Dhargay Phuntsok Ling Monastery in Boudhanath. The monastery is located 10 minutes away (on foot) from the main stupa.
We are aware that some participants are looking to attend the annual seminar at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery. The hours of the course will be adjusted during the seminar period so that interested participants will be able to attend both. The tentative hours for the course are :
Nov 1 to 19 : 8.00 to 10.00 am, 2.30 to 4.30 pm daily except Sundays
Nov 20 to 29 : 7.00 to 9.00 am, 2.30 to 4.30 pm daily except Sundays
On Nov 30, we will be performing the sadhana together with Chokling Rinpoche in the morning.
The deadline for registration is 30 September 2010. Register in the next 5 days to enjoy 5% off the course fees.
For more information on any of these events, please write to us at events@cglf.org.
Phakchok Rinpoche's Tour Schedule and Second Nine Yanas Retreat in Cooperstown
Phakchok Rinpoche's tour schedule is in progress. He is currently in France. Please visit phakchokrinpoche.org/events.htm for more information.
Registration is filling up for Rinpoche's Nine Yanas Retreat at Gomde Cooperstown from Aug 7-15, so please register as soon as possible to secure your spot in this precious teaching – For more details - http://www.gomdecooperstown.org/cooperstownretreat.htm.
May all be auspicious!
25. juli 2010
22. juli 2010
Bengalske Tigerstribede killinger på Gomde

Nu skal I bare høre.
Der var engang i en gammel dansk by i frysende bidende kolde november at vi hørte et lille forsigtigt piv bag en mur. Vi kikkede og så en forkommen lille killing. Åh, det var den killing, hvis mor var draget bort. Måske tilbage til Hesbjerg Gods, hvor familien oprindeligt stammede fra.
Den var ikke til at komme tæt på, men sulten var den og kunne ikke holde sig væk fra en skål kattemad. Den hvæsede som en kæmpe, frygtindgydende tiger der vejede højst 200 gram.
Vi fik fat i nakken på den og den var ganske svær at holde fast. "Vil du med til Gomde eller vil du blive her i den kolde vinter og dø af sult?" Som svar kom der hverken hvæs, piv eller kløer. Hverken i favnen eller i toget på vej til Gomde.

Den er også blevet velsignet af Phakchok Rinpoche, Tsoknyi Rinpoche og Khandro Rinpoche.
Tashi betyder den heldige. "You are so fortunate," sagde Khandro Rinpoche mens hun behændigt kradsede Tashi under begge ører.
Da begyndte Tashi at få en ugentlig p.pille kvast ud i maden. For man kan jo ikke lade en lille killing blive forført af en strejfer slyngel, selvom han er en flot fyr.
Tashi blev større og også tungere om livet. Men hvem gør ikke det med endeløst mad og snacks?
En dag var Tashi våd på bagbenene. "Er du plumpet i søen igen, klodsmajor?" sagde jeg.

"Det er da umuligt; hun er højst syv måneder gammel og har været på pillen i over to måneder."
Knap havde jeg båret Tashi ovenpå og lagt den i sin lille lotus rede - da vupti! - kom tre små killinger. I tre forskellige farver og stadig Bengalske Tigerstribede.
Jack har i øvrigt hverken sunget, ringet eller sendt en sms siden.
Da Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche forleden velsignede alle tre sagde han, "Vær sikre på at deres nye familier værner godt om dem!"

Kik godt på billedet og I kan sikkert gætte hvem der er hvem.
Hvis du vil høre mere om Skifer, Perle og Amber -- og om hvordan du kan få en af dem hjem og bo hos dig -- så har de telefon 86356835.
P.S. Klik på billederne for at se dem i stor format.
Message on Guru Rinpoche Day
Hello Everyone,
Yes I know I’m a day late. But nonetheless, I hope that you’ve all been happy and healthy. I’ve been well and on the road since our last electronic connection. At the moment I’m in Gomde Cooperstown in Upstate New York and we just finished a short program here with my uncle Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche. Last night we performed a tsok offering in union with the sangha members here at Gomde and while performing the tsok, I was thinking of what to write for this GRD. I thought perhaps it might be beneficial for many of you if I briefly write about the meaning and the benefits of performing a tsok offering.
Benefits of performing tsok offering:
Tsok offering in Sanskrit is called ganachakra, which if translated in Tibetan means tsok kyi khorlo, a wheel of accumulation.
Accumulation of merit and wisdom are the two supreme elements needed in clearing away the cloud of obscurations obscuring us from realizing our buddha nature. And the practice of performing tsok offering is one of the skillful ways of swiftly accumulating and purifying our obscurations and mending our broken samayas.
In most of Guru Rinpoche’s termas or hidden treasures, it is mentioned that performing tsok offering can generate tremendous merit. And in certain historical notes, there are even incidences of Guru Rinpoche physically appearing in person and blessing the practitioner calling upon him with unwavering devotion and granting him/her with supreme siddhis.
Though we are all engaged in different methods or practices with their distinct tsok sadhanas on the path to buddhahood, but eventually they all lead to the accumulation of wisdom and merit and the purification of obscurations. For those of you who perform tsok offerings on days like Guru Rinpoche day (10th) and Dakini day (25th) of the lunar calendar, for the purpose of tendral or for the auspiciousness of all, I would like to suggest that you all supplicate to Guru Rinpoche first by reciting the Vajra Seven Line Prayer and then start with your tsok practice. And for those of you who are not yet familiar with the practice of tsok offering, reciting the prayer at least three times on those days will be highly beneficial for your practice on the path.
In one of the terma revelations of Guru Chöwang, one of the five Terton Kings, it is stated, when praying with the seven lines,
Pray in this way, over and over again.
Create a feeling of yearning and longing
So intense that tears spring from your eyes.
If the rapture of devotion overwhelms you,
Breathe out strongly, and then leave everything as it is.
Clear and awake, focused and undistracted, look within.
The Vajra Seven Line Prayer: Supplication to Guru Rinpoche
- Invoking the Guru with unwavering devotion
In the north-west of the land of Orgyen,
In the heart of a lotus flower,
Endowed with the most marvelous attainments,
You are renowned as the Lotus-born,
Surrounded by many hosts of dakinis.
Following in your footsteps
I pray to you: come and bless me with your grace!
History of the Vajra Seven Line Prayer:
- Prayers of invitation of Guru Rinpoche to the assembly of feast offerings by Vajra Dakinis (Dorje Khandromas)
Heretical teachers who reviled the dharma once challenged Buddhist scholars at Nalanda through their scholarship in logic and different languages. Unable to refute the heretics and in desperation they called upon the vajra dakas and dakinis. And in their dreams appeared Dakini Zhiwa Chog (Supreme Peace) who prophesied, "You will not be able to defeat the heretics. If you do not invite here my elder brother, Dorje Thöthreng Tsal (Vajra Skull-Garland Power, Guru Rinpoche), who lives at the Dark Cemetery, the Dharma will be destroyed."
She then instructed the scholars to set up a grand tsok offering on the roof of the monastery and gave them the prayer of the Vajra Seven Line Prayer. The scholars recited the seven lines, and in an instant Guru Rinpoche came miraculously from the sky. He presided over the Buddhist scholars and defeated the heretics.
In the above seven-line prayer the guru is only symbolized in the outer or the physical form, his appearance in a manifested form. In terms of the inner and the secret meaning of the seven-line prayer, emptiness and co-emergent wisdom respectively are manifested.
Sealing the tsok offering with the ultimate aspiration of bodhichitta, may all sentient beings benefit tremendously from this feast offering and may the cloud of obscurations clear away and may the blazing sun shine through.
Sarva Mangalam,
Phakchok Rinpoche
21. juli 2010
Concert on a magical summer evening

Dear friends,
I post some sounds and pictures from the last evening, the "feast banquet", of this year's summercamp at Gomde Denmark. A small band of my closest friends, the Surrender Cowboys, seized the opportunity of giving a small improvised concert in the garden, for the 50-60-70 people there. The happening was attended and transformed by various truly extraordinary beings, as you can see and hear. For instance, notice how Sascha is secretly streaming around the tree towards the microphone which she will safely reach about 58 minutes into the soundfile.

The entire soundtrack is here: surrendercowboys.com/um/sc.MP3
Thanks v much to Naima Wieltschnig for the pictures.
Cordially, Niels Viggo
Dharma House vision

There has been tremendous response to Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche's announcement of the Dharma House study and practice groups.
A lot of emails needs to be written back. Would you like to spend a few days at Gomde helping Erik write them as a secretary?
Der har været enorm respons på Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche's meddelelse om Dharma House studie og praksis grupper.
En masse e-mails skal skrives tilbage. Kunne du tænke dig at tilbringe et par dage på Gomde med at hjælpe Erik skrive dem, som en sekretær?
Ring til 86356835. Thanks from/Tak fra Erik
18. juli 2010
Vores Dharma bror Uffe Nagel døde d. 10 juli 2010 om morgenen.

Kære Uffe.
Når vi tænker på dig Uffe er det på først og fremmest på dit smukke vilde sind. Dit flyvende, dybfølende og abstrakte sind. Dine humorfyldte formuleringer, dine vidunderlige sproggaver, dine lyriske ord og dine evner til at se, debattere og gennemtænke mange religioner på flere niveauer og alle dine digte.
Så fik du alligevel ret med din sygdom. Det var hurtigt at kræften bredte sig.
Det var som om at du fik en lille pause i al den sygdom da du rejste til dit skønne Indien.
Blev endda også lidt forelsket i en indisk kvinde. Det var dog ikke uden humor at du meddelte hvordan du gav hende små gaver og hun gav dig glædes dråber i hjertet.
Vi har bedt lamaerne om at lave en puja for dig og sammen ønsker vi at må alle Buddhaerne give dig hjælp til uendelig kærlighed og indsigt.
Vi vil savne dig og ønsker dig alt godt på din rejse fremover.
Mange kærlige hilsner Erik og Tara.
15. juli 2010
Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche announces the Dharma House vision

My dear students,
Today we celebrate the Buddha’s First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma, when he taught the Four Noble Truths at Sarnath.
On this auspicious day I am happy to announce plans for Dharma Houses wherever my students are able to gather together. A Dharma House should be an environment dedicated to making authentic Buddhist teachings and meditation practices easily accessible to everyone.
Many of my students have asked me for a structure that would allow them to study and practice where they are, throughout the year. After some reflection, I believe we can do this by establishing places where students can practice together and also serve others by offering Dharma teachings to whomever wants. This is something I have wanted to do for a long time.
Among our many sangha members, anyone can start a Dharma House. Each house will have at least eight founding members who will assume responsibility for its operation. It would be best if one of our close sangha, who already have a strong Dharma connection, could serve as the head of any particular House.
The Dharma House will be a center where my students can gather regularly to practice together. There sangha members can share with each other our understanding of the teachings and their impact on our daily lives, engage in meditation, and organize Dharma teachings.
A Dharma House should make authentic Buddhist teachings and simple meditation practices accessible to all. It should be an authentic, open-minded gateway to the Buddha’s path of engendering ever-increasing compassion and insight for the greater good. Here novices can meet with more experienced practitioners or teachers who can guide them in their personal Dharma practice.
My students are found all over the world now, and I do my best to travel to teach wherever I can. But as much as I would like to do more, at best I can only be in one place for a limited time. Study and practice are the most important ways to apply the Dharma in our lives, and Dharma houses will help the sangha to do this when I am not there.
Just a few days ago, Erik sent out an email to sangha members about the Dharma House, and already there has been a large, enthusiastic response from my students all over the world. I encourage each of you to look at the Guidelines for a Dharma House, and consider if this might be part of your path.
Keep in mind that, by opening a Dharma House, you and your peers will have undertaken a noble effort that will benefit both self and other, including people whom you may not have even met yet. In this way, you will be helping them to cultivate compassion and insight based on learning and practicing the Buddha’s precious teachings.
My love and blessings to you all,
Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche
Dear friends and participants at SummerCamp 2010 at Gomde Denmark.

Dear friends and participants at SummerCamp 2010, Gomde Denmark.
Today is the auspicious 10 million multiplying day, the day that Buddha Shakyamuni first turned the Wheel of Dharma. Our precious teacher Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche has flewn on to the United States and right now he is teaching a large group in a retreat at Garrison, New York.
As the hosts of this year's summer camp, we would like to use this opportunity to thank Rinpoche for his wonderful, kind, and deep instructions here in Denmark. We feel sure that all of you have returned home with very positive and lasting memories of his words.
Also, a big thanks to everyone who helped in the thousands of tasks it takes to hold such an event. And thank you for adding to the harmony and for all your kind words of appreciation. Tara and I have never been hugged and thanked so many times.
If you like, you are welcome to add any words and photos you like for this page - Rinpoche will surely take a look.
Warmest wishes,
Tara and Erik
11. juli 2010
7. juli 2010
Ocean of Amrita
On Sunday the yearly Ngakso Puja took place at Gomde Denmark. More than one hundred practitioners attended.
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