29. april 2009

Lamahuset er ved at blive beklædt med duftende lærketræ

Kære Gomde venner.

Den sidste arbejdsweekend (d.16 til 18 april) gik rigtigt godt.

Vi var ialt 16 hjælpere med godt humør og masser af energi.

Du kan se billederne på: http://gomde-dk-sangha.blogspot.com/2009/04/happy-days-at-gomde.html

De 16 vinduer blev sat i og hele lamahusets forside og forlængelsen
er ved at blive beklædt med duftende lærketræ.

Der blev malet og slebet, syet gardiner og forhæng, gravet og slæbt og
vi praktiserede sammen morgen og aften.

Nu vil vi gerne invitere med til arbejdsweekend nr 2.

Vi håber du har lyst være med til at gøre gårdsplads-facaden og
forlængelsen færdig til næste arbejdsweekend.

D. 15-17 maj 2009

Der er malerarbejde, tømrerarbejde, murerarbejde, syarbejde,
havearbejde og meget andet der skal være færdigt før Rinpoche og alle
deltagere på SummerCamp 2009 dukker op.

Ring til Gomdes tlf. 86356835, eller email gomde@gomde.dk, hvis du kommer.

Kærlig hilsen Ditte, Hans Ulrick, Tara og Erik.


Foto: en sjælden solopgang.

22. april 2009

Happy days at Gomde

From the work-weekend the April, 2009. Thanks everyone who came in person, sponsored or sent cakes and bread.

10. april 2009

Daily Chants from Rangjung Yeshe Gomde

As a Losar present for all of you, here is the long life supplication for
the reincarnation of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, which was recently composed at
Nagi Gompa by our wonderful Tsikey Chokling. It is included in this updated
version of the Rangjung Yeshe Chant Book.

Many of the other chants have been retranslated so you can sing them.

You can download the pdf here:

Letter size (USA)

A4 size (most of the world)

Many Losar greetings from Gomde Denmark.


Brev fra Nepal - letter from Nepal

Hi sweeties,

Just wanted to let you know that today (full moon) we (the international Sangha who was sitting in the Ngagso drubchen) made a huge offering in the name of all Rangjung Yeshe Gomde centers and international sangha and activities. It was fabulous. We thought that doing offerings together shows our harmony and friendship and good wishes. We did the big rice bowl mandala offering, we sponsored the “elaborate food offering” for the whole day, we gave big butterlamps to the Rinpoches, we gave katas, and money to all Rinpoches and monks. We made many good wishes for the Rinpoche’s long and healthy lives, the spreading of their activities, harmony of the sangha, etc. etc etc. (it was a long, beautiful speech J). Anyway, we of course thought of you, too J.


Tina and the intl. Sangha over here

4. april 2009

Heads-up on global warming

We tackle it a few steps ahead. Bring one small fruit, walnut or edible chessnut tree for the work-weekend this coming 17-19 April. Fig or abricot will also do.

1. april 2009

Dancing horses on the Gomde buddha-fields

Something very unusual just happened at Gomde retreat center in Denmark. Two of the free-roaming horses were seen in an hour long elaborate dance. "I couldn't believe my own eyes," exclaimed Vetenarian Hans Jorgensen, who owns the neighboring farm and is also a dance teacher. "It looked exactly like the steps in Argentinian tango, but with a few sexy refinements. And they didn't learn it from me. Perhaps there's something about that past-life you Buddhist ha've been talking about."