Kære venner, mange af jer kan måske huske at vi har samlet penge ind til en stor buddha statue som skal være den centrale figur i Gomdes tempelsal. Tempelsalen står færdig er er utrolig flot. En kombination af zen-agtig enkelhed, vikinge højborg og buddha palads. Om et par uger får dens ydre et nødvendigt lag olie igen så den gyldne glød og træet bevares. Beklædningen er lavet af russisk birk og hver planke blev grundigt inspiseret og godtaget Bo the Hawkeye.
Nu er vi kommet til næste skridt: alter plateauet hvor Buddha Shakyamuni statuen skal stå. I år går alt overskud fra den nye Ratna Cafe og Boutique til dette statue fundament. Det kan i glæder jer over sammen med en kølig hindbær smoothie eller en pakke røgelse fra butikken.
Her er der mere info omkring den store indsats der ligger forud for at en sådan statue kan komme til Danmark: http://shedrub.org/1000%20Buddhas.htm
In English:
Dear friends, many of you may remember that we have collected money for a large Buddha statue which will be the central figure in Gomdes temple hall. The temple hall is done and is incredibly beautiful. A combination of Zen-style simplicity, viking stronghold and Buddha palace. In a few weeks its externals will get a necessary layer of oil again for a golden glow and tree preservation. The covering is made from Russian birch and each plank was thoroughly inspected and accepted by Bo the Hawkeye.
Now we come to the next step: the altar plateau where the Shakyamuni Buddha statue will sit. This year is all proceeds from the new Ratna Cafe and Boutique will be donated to this statue foundation. You rejoice in that while enjoying a cool raspberry smoothie or a package of incense from the store.
Here is more info about the great work which went before that such a statue could come to Denmark: http://shedrub.org/1000% 20Buddhas.htm