6. juli 1993
Rangdjung Jeshe
§ 1. Navn og hjemsted
Stk. 1. Foreningens navn er “Rangdjung Jeshe”.
Stk. 2. Foreningens hjemsted er Århus Kommune.
§ 2. Formål
Foreningens formål er:
1. at formidle og fremme forståelsen af buddhismen, i såvel dens klassiske som nutidige form, som formuleret af Rangjung Yeshe Institute, Ka-Nying Shedrup Ling Monastery, Kathmandu, Nepal.
2. at bevare, beskytte og fremme buddhistisk literaturforståelse, filosofi-udlægning, sindsvidenskab, kunst, kunsthåndværk, rituel dans og musik.
3. at fremme oversættelse og udgivelse af vægtige klassiske skrifter samt deres udlægninger.
4. at invitere faglige kapaciteter som er indehavere af en levende tradition og som er istand til at give en nutidig fortolkning.
5. at arrangere og deltage i foredrag og seminarer.
6. at deltage i den generelle højnelse af livskvalitet og miljøbevidsthed.
7. at støtte af humanitert arbejde for svagelige, syge og døende ioverenstemmelse med buddhistiske principper.
8. at yde støtte til uddannelsesinstitutioner som opfylder foreningens formål.
In English:
Aims and Bilaws
Rangdjung Jeshe
Section 1. Name and head office
Paragraph. 1. The name is "Rangdjung Jeshe".
Paragraph. 2. The Association's headquarters is Aarhus municipality.
Section 2. Purpose
The purpose is:
1. to disseminate and promote the understanding of Buddhism, both in its classic and in a contemporary form, as formulated by Rangjung Yeshe Institute, Ka-Nying Shedrup Ling Monastery, Kathmandu, Nepal.
2. to preserve, protect and promote understanding of Buddhist literature, philosophy, science of mind, arts, crafts, ritual dance and music.
3. to promote the translation and publication of important classical writings and their interpretations.
4. to invite professional capabilities who are holders of a living tradition and are able to give a contemporary interpretation.
5. to organise and participate in lectures and seminars.
6. to participate in the general raising of quality of life and environmental awareness.
7. to support the humanitert work for the frail, sick and dying in accordance with Buddhist principles.
8. providing support to educational institutions which meet the association's purpose.