14. februar 2013

Helping others

Rangjung Yeshe Shenpen

is a volunteer-based, non-profit organization established to alleviate poverty and to address social challenges, mainly in Nepal. Founded in 2004 by Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche and working under his regular direction, Shenpen focuses on helping the poor and disadvantaged gain access to health care, education and employment opportunities. It offers support to the elderly and street children, and works to improve the treatment of animals.

Based in Boudhanath, Nepal, Shenpen provides technical and financial support to trusted organizations with strong track records that work directly with poor communities. Shenpen also helps strengthen these organizations so they are better able to meet their long-term objectives.

Shenpen uses the skills and resources of its members and associates to identify where services are most needed, and aims to benefit as many people as possible with the resources available. It also has a strict policy of keeping its overhead at a bare minimum.

Since its inception Shenpen has sponsored over 100 projects across Nepal.

Read more here: http://www.shenpennepal.org/