2. november 2009

Phakchok Rinpoche at Gomde: info to participants

A reunion with Phakchok Rinpoche at Gomde November 14-15, 2009.

Dear friends.

Last year when Phakchok Rinpoche visited Gomde he taught the Heart Sutra, during which he linked direct meditation experience with the text.

He also explained the wonderful and deep Lotus Essence Tantra.
This year we will have a further deepening of the Buddha's instructions in sutra and tantra.

We have asked Rinpoche that he again uses these two very concise and short texts as a basis. But he has free hands and you who have have met him know how he can bring in all contemporary issues and examples in order to make his teachings both lively and fun.

At Gomde we are making ready for Rinpoche and for all you participants. It is practical and convenient for us to buy food in good time so there is enough of the exciting eco-vegetarian dishes for all of you.
So sign up already now on programs@gomde.dk

We've made it extra cheap for you to participate.
Reckon with a total for both days of 700 DKK: 500 DKK in donations for teachings to Rinpoche plus 200 DKK to Gomde which includes all meals.
Lodge costs extra 200 DKK for dormitory or 400 DKK for bed in a room, for the whole weekend.

Rinpoche arrives at Gomde 20.30 Friday evening and will be welcomed with tea in the temple.
You are welcome to be there to receive him.

Teachings start Saturday 10:00, and continue again 16.00 until dinner.
Sunday he begins 10:00 and concludes 18:00.

So there is time for both a nice dinner with Rinpoche and enough time for you to catch the last bus from Gomde to Ronde.

Be nice and pay in advance to Gomde bank account:

Vestergade 33, 5100 Odense C
Reg No. 6845 Account No. 0000236382

If not, then bring cash.

Remember warm clothes, outdoor shoes for a walk, easy shoes to use between the temple and the dining hall and slippers, if you like.

Love Tara and Erik,
your hosts at Gomde.
